Fridon Injia - there is no place for state-minded politicians on the street

State-minded politicians have no place on the street. The one who has the mandate for this should be in the parliament, said Friedon, a member of parliament from the "Patriots Alliance" list. Injia He said at the briefing.

Injia He noted that the opposition's staying on the street gives a hand to "Georgian Dream" and "National Movement". They are trying to destroy each other, which will not benefit the country.

"As representatives of the political union "European Socialists" in the Parliament of Georgia, we are involved in parliamentary work and we consider it necessary to explain to the public the reasons and goals of our decision. Today the country is facing the most difficult challenge. The pandemic It created a severe economic crisis and complicated the already difficult situation of our citizens. In this situation, political stability is crucial to overcome economic and social problems. Despite this, we see a situation where the opposition parties refuse to enter the parliament, and the ruling party seems to encourage them to do so. It is obvious that the opposition's staying on the street today gives a hand to two political forces - "Georgian Dream" and "National Movement". This is a kind of continuation of cohabitation, for which we have been strongly criticizing the "Georgian Dream" all these years. "Nationalists" want to stay on the street in the hope that the government will lose its footing, and at the expense of this, in the hope of a small part of the wayward youth of the country mess up and will be able to implement a revolutionary scenario, while "Georgian Dream" hopes to finally destroy the opposition left on the street. Neither one nor the other is state-owned and it will not bring anything good to the country. Whoever wants chaos and destabilization destroys the country, its economy, accelerates the emptying of the country, the emigration of young people to other countries. Therefore, we think that there is no place for state-minded politicians on the street. The one who has the mandate for this should be in the parliament", he said Injia.

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