Fridon Injia - 萨卡什维利的绝食抗议得到了很好的“考验”。

???? Fridon Injia - Saakashvili's hunger strike was well "tested", the escorts could not stand to stand for two hours and listen to his monologue about how he was elected twice as the Prime Minister of Ukraine

???? 昨天的审判是史无前例的,被定罪的萨卡什维利谈到了一切,除了指控,其中的事实材料记录在案,反对党议员弗里登·英贾在议会全体会议上谈到米哈伊尔·萨卡什维利的审判时说。

.???? “他在任何方面都不承认有罪,并认为可能只有错误和错误。起诉后,检察官宣布准备出示其犯罪行为的文件和录像,他离开大厅离开。我认为他的这种行为是对社会和格鲁吉亚人民的侮辱。这是在侮辱他们的记忆,把灰烬放在他们的眼睛里。

???? 他的健康状况和饥饿感都得到了很好的“检验”。 Even the escorts could not stand to stand for two hours and listen to his monologue about how he was elected twice as the Prime Minister of Ukraine", said Fridon Injia.



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