Fridon Injia 认为,在该国最高立法机构提出的任何法案中,都应清楚地描述格鲁吉亚的利益,直到所有法案都通过

📍 Chairman of the parliamentary political group “European Socialists” Fridon Injia believes that in any bill that will be initiated in the country’s highest legislative body, Georgia’s interests should be clearly described, and until all bills are

🔹 Fridon Injia announced this at the plenary session of the Parliament of Georgia.

“When initiating bills, the explanatory card mainly mentions: the essence of the bill, how the bill has a financial impact on the state budget, children’s rights, international obligations, international law, relations with international organizations, association agreement and so on. But one main thing is not written here – the interests of Georgia.
Bills should clearly describe how this or that legislative initiative serves the interests of Georgia”, said Fridon Injia.

🔹 According to him, the question is often heard, do we want European integration?

🔹 “We want everything that will be in the interests of Georgia”, Fridon Injia added.



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