我通报的原因是最近几天议会多数党和格鲁吉亚梦想党领导人关于 2008 年战争的声明,尽管很明显格鲁吉亚梦想党和人民力量的领导人仍然不能公开说出真相佐治亚州的每个人都知道,但没有人敢公开说出来。

📍 The reason for my briefing was the statements of the parliamentary majority and the leaders of the “Georgian Dream” party regarding the 2008 war. However, it is obvious that the leaders of “Georgian Dream” and “People’s Power” still cannot openly say the truth that everyone in Georgia knows, but no one dares to say publicly.

📍 Added to this were two draft laws introduced by “People’s Power”. It is not clear that there are two completely different laws on the same issue import This is a subject of separate discussion.

📍 I would like to remind everyone that Saakashvili’s regime started thoroughly preparing for the 2008 war in 2007, if not earlier;

❗️ Nationalists named the Kodori valley Upper Abkhazia;

❗️ Before the start of the war in 2008, all strategic facilities were alienated at the price of straw. However, buyers paid a lot of money for their purchase.

❗️ The borders of the South Ossetian Autonomous District were restored;

❗️ The start of the war was preceded by provocative shootings, after which Saakashvili announced the restoration of constitutional order to the commander of the Georgian peacekeeping battalion through the TV channels controlled by him.

❗️ The logical culmination of all this was the artillery bombardment of Tskhinvali on the night of August 7, 2008 by order of Saakashvili, thus starting the Russia-Georgia war.

🔴 Let us remind you that in the same year, the Nationalists signed the European Council resolution, by which they recognized the start of the war by Saakashvili. And as a result, the occupation of our two historical regions was signed by Russia.

🔴 After the authorities won the cases in the courts of Strasbourg and The Hague, there is no reason to remain silent on the subject. The question arises – why are they silent, it is not clear.

🔴 More than half a month has passed since the announcements made by us regarding the creation of the investigative commission, but the majority has not even considered, nor has it discussed this issue. Only people’s power, in the form of society, expressed a positive attitude towards this issue.

🔴 It is not clear why we should and are covering the Saakashvili regime for its main crime, which it committed against the Georgian state and Georgian people. I am not interested in any of those 4 cases, the most important thing for me is the loss of Georgian territories, and nothing is being done in this direction. And the 4 cases in which a part has been completed and sentenced, it turns out that Saakashvili’s main crime is covered by this.

🔴 We all know that Saakashvili agreed with the Americans on all his steps and without them he could not have planned and implemented any of the actions mentioned above. This can be said especially after Bush’s visit to Georgia in 2005.

🔴 The Americans knew very well that Saakashvili’s bombing of Tskhinvali would be followed by Russia’s response, which would eventually bring a serious confrontation between Russia and Europe. The 2008 war first created a rift between Europe and Russia, as it continues now due to the Ukraine war. America then destroyed us and now all of Europe and Ukraine.

🔴 Also, it is known that John McCain was personally interested in the start of the war, who built his 2008 presidential campaign on the topic of the Russia-Georgia war.

🔴 As a result of this Euro-Atlantic conspiracy, our two historical corners – Abkhazia and Samachablo were destroyed, hundreds of Georgian soldiers and civilians were killed, and 30 thousand people became displaced in their homeland.

🔴 What Saakashvili and his foreign patrons did in 2007-2008 is nothing but treason. Against this background, it is not surprising why the Saakashvili regime removed the articles of treason and conspiracy against the state from the Criminal Code in 2007. It is quite clear that they insured future crimes against the country. Moreover, Saakashvili deliberately left his Georgian citizenship, which was not necessary due to the practice of Ukraine at that time.

🔴 We will continue to collect signatures so that the prosecutor’s office investigates the crimes committed by the Saakashvili regime in connection with the 2008 war, and the appropriate investigative commission is created in the parliament. People who are still trying to involve Georgia in the war, the worst crime of 2008, should not be chosen under any circumstances.



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