Необходимость создания временной следственной комиссии по поводу августовской войны 2008 года в последнее время становится все более актуальной в связи с политическими событиями вокруг Грузии – Фридон Инджиа

Необходимость создания временной следственной комиссии в связи с августовской войной 2008 года становится все более актуальной в последнее время, в связи с политическими событиями вокруг Грузии - Фридон Инджиа

Председатель парламентской политической группы «Европейские социалисты» Фридон Инджиа ответил на вопросы СМИ относительно создания следственной комиссии.

«Как только мы вошли в парламент, за эти 2 года у нас было много разговоров о создании временной следственной комиссии по поводу войны 2008 года, как с парламентской трибуны, так и через СМИ.

С высокой трибуны парламента я несколько раз заявлял, что эта комиссия необходима, что есть много вопросов о том, что произошло, почему наше государство потеряло 201ТП3Т территорий. Можно ли было этого избежать? Почему так получилось, что Кодорское ущелье без боя покинуло до тысячи грузинских боевиков? По чьему приказу это произошло? и многое другое…

Наше будущее, наш народ, история должны установить истину. Он нужен воинам, погибшим на этой войне. 408 человек потеряли семью и родину.

Исходя из сложившейся ситуации, того, что происходит в мире, и какое давление испытывает наша страна, что связано с опасностью открытия второго фронта, эти вопросы и вопрос о создании комиссии в целом стали более актуальными.

Я считаю и у многих такое мнение, что августовская война 2008 года была спланированной изменой. В этой войне участвовали предатели страны, шпионы, которые все это делали... Это была война не одного и двух дней, она была хорошо продумана, к чему велись предварительные приготовления.

Сегодня эти самые люди, предатели Грузии, продолжают ту же риторику, которая направлена на то, чтобы снова втянуть Грузию в войну. Поэтому этот вопрос сегодня стал более актуальным.

Второй важной темой является резолюция, принятая Европарламентом в отношении Грузии. Что делает необходимость создания следственной комиссии еще более актуальной.

К сожалению, Европарламент, который в свое время принял резолюцию о том, что войну начали грузинские солдаты, и сегодняшний Европарламент, который буквально несколько дней назад также принял решение против Грузии, ничем не отличаются друг от друга.

Почему мы стремились к европейским ценностям? ... подумать о том, какое значение должен иметь Европарламент после этого решения ... какую надежду и гарантию должен иметь народ Грузии, что двойные или тройные стандарты не будут применяться к нашей стране.

Поэтому я еще раз обращаюсь к большинству и всем, кого интересует судьба страны, поддержать создание этой комиссии, так как уверен, что результат работы комиссии будет таким, что она проснется. и не допустит, чтобы наше правительство, настоящее или будущее, допустило бы подобные ошибки, чтобы Грузия снова потеряла свои территории.

Я хотел бы еще раз подчеркнуть необходимость создания следственной комиссии, чтобы поставить точку во всех вопросах вокруг этого вопроса, потому что один говорит одно, а другой другое, точнее, он говорит то, что ему удобно.

Конечно, «Национальное движение» подписало резолюцию против страны, и, конечно же, оно будет против создания этой комиссии, и «Национальное движение» снова и снова будет способствовать решению, принятому Европарламентом позавчера.

Поэтому необходимость создания этой следственной комиссии сегодня становится все более актуальной».

Если «Мечта» не поддерживает создание парламентской комиссии по расследованию войны 2008 года, то они не хотят разоблачать предателей и шпионов – председатель «Европейских социалистов» Фридон Инджиа

If “Dream” does not support the creation of the parliamentary investigation commission of the 2008 war, i.e. They do not want to expose traitors and spies – Chairman of “European Socialists” Friedon Injia

During the next session week, we will probably communicate with our colleagues from the “dream”, and if they do not support us, then it turns out that they do not want to expose the traitors who were in 2008 and are still operating today. In this case, the “dream” itself should provide answers to the questions still existing in the society regarding the August War.
This was stated by Fridon Injia, the initiator of the August 2008 war prosecutor’s investigation and the creation of the parliamentary investigative commission, the chairman of the political group “European Socialists”.

“What is happening around Ivanishvili is the result of cohabitation. If this cohabitation was not there, and the rule of law was applied, we would not have the current situation. If “Dream” does not support our initiative – to create a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the 2008 war, then they themselves must give the answers to the public – who were the spies and traitors of the country, who then and today are doing everything to ensure that Georgia does not progress, but continues to suffer. and loss of territories”, said Fridon Injia.

According to him, conducting the mentioned investigation and giving concrete answers to all aspects of the August war is becoming more relevant today.
“I believe that those spies and traitors of the country, who cooked all this, prepared and created what we got, what we got in August 2008, the same people today continue the same rhetoric and still want to involve Georgia in the war,” said the deputy.

Regarding the issue of whether the majority will support this initiative, Fridon Injia states that their position is unknown to him.

“I don’t go to their meetings, I don’t know. As they decide, so they decide. We have been asking for this for almost 2 years now, however, it has become more urgent now. Next session week we will probably communicate with them and see. If they did not support us, i.e. They don’t want to expose the country’s traitors,” the chairman of “European Socialists” emphasized.

В связи с опасностью ядерной войны я призываю правительство разработать специальный государственный план, который обеспечит защиту наших граждан – Фридон Инджиа

📍 Due to the dangers of nuclear war, I call on the government to develop a special state plan that will ensure the protection of our citizens – Fridon Injia

🔶 The chairman of the political group “European Socialists” of the Parliament of Georgia Fridon Injia calls on the government to develop a special state plan that will ensure the protection of the country’s citizens, because today the world, especially in the European part, is in the worst situation.

🔶 “In the world today It is a dangerous situation. The situation is particularly severe in the European part and this situation is getting more difficult every day. Nuclear war is not out of the question and the world is very close to this danger and we are moving towards it every day. Therefore, I take advantage of the opportunity and call on our government to be fully prepared for complications. I believe that a special plan should be made for this and this plan should be created immediately, where the duties of each ministry or minister will be specifically outlined. In particular, who is responsible for what. No collective liability. Collective responsibility is personally unacceptable to me. Each minister should take his field under personal control.

🔶 First of all, energy is important here so that the country does not remain without energy. It is also important whether the gas supply or the stock of food products. This must be done considering the current situation in the world.” – said Fridon Injia.

🔶 The chairman of the political group drew attention to the passivity of the population in European countries in political matters and noted that the main part of the population there is entrusted to their own government.

🔶 “I have to tell you one thing, the population of European countries is not as politicized as it is in Georgia, where every other person is interested in politics. The population of European countries mainly trusts their government, and today there are leaders in these governments whose activities can be considered very extremist. If you want to take the example of Kubilius (European Parliamentarian Andrew Kubilius), if he had more power today, he would definitely use nuclear weapons tomorrow.

🔶 Therefore, our government should have already made such a plan, which will outline the actions of all members of the government from the very first minutes, as soon as this happens. This is what my country needs to survive.” – noted Fridon Injia.

🔶 According to him, we are not talking about the double-digit growth of the country’s economy, we are talking about the physical survival of the country, taking into account the geopolitical location of Georgia.

🔶 “Unfortunately, the danger of nuclear war in the world is increasing every day. Not even a single step was taken to stabilize the situation. There was no talk of negotiations or peace initiatives. On the contrary, more and more lives are being sacrificed to these processes every day. The government should take more rights, for example, in the social sector.

🔶 What has been done about drugs is welcome. The same can be said about the decisions taken by the state regarding the objects of strategic importance. I have in mind the contract of Khudon HPP, the port of Anaklia. It gives us strength to survive.

🔶 If we sell everything and there is not a single object left under the control of the state, such a state cannot exist, and at such a time there will always be more pressure from abroad on our country. And when the state stands at its height and acts in any field based on the interests of the country, such a state will be strong.

Therefore, it is essential that the government takes over price control and price profitability for private companies should be set within 20-30%, otherwise the salary and pension increases are meaningless.

🔶 Therefore, price control is one of the most important issues for the government. It will be related to fuel, energy supply, gas supply or food products.

🔶 Also, the policy of the government in relation to strategic objects is important. What is sold must be redeemed and it must be transferred to the state.” – Fridon Injia believes.

🔶 To what extent does participation in energy projects increase Georgia’s political security, and how important is the political niche for Georgia, which is called the Middle Corridor? Is this issue one of the country’s security factors?

🔶 To this question, Friedon Injia answered that the most important of various important economic projects is the Middle Corridor project, which China, Asian countries need to connect with Europe, and in general, Europe needs the energy resources that are in Asia. Therefore, the country’s government should work and do everything to make the Middle Corridor project a reality.”

🔶 As for the Anaklia project, it may be a complex project that needs to be discussed, and I am still skeptical about this issue, because the development of the Anaklia project is related to the railways, the cargo and the countries that have to load the cargo. It will be Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan or China. Without the participation of these three countries, 51% of the Anaklia port construction project should be in the hands of the state, and in principle, it was announced by the government, and this is welcome.” – noted Fridon Injia.

🔶 “I think, considering these energy projects, Europe’s interest in Georgia will increase. However, there are countries that may go against it, because it is a very profitable and saving project for our country.” – said Fridon Injia.

🔶 “To return once again to my initiative, where I focused on spies and traitors in connection with the August 2008 war, in some cases they say that if we cooperate with the Western special services, this is acceptable, and with the Northern countries, this cooperation is not acceptable.

🔶 A person who works for the interests of another country, it doesn’t matter to me whether it is a western country or a northern one. Both are enemies of my country. Therefore, if a commission of inquiry is formed, these questions will be answered and made clear. Because what happened in August 2008, it was all the makings of one day.

🔶 I think that the war of August 2008 was planned for a long time. And what preceded it, and who was the doer of it? These were traitors to the country, indoctrinated and, of course, primarily based on their own interests.

🔶 I think that the loss of 20% territories of Georgia was deliberate and planned.

I’m pretty sure with the 80% it was a three way deal. In particular, the agreement between the governments of Russia, the West and Georgia.

🔶 It wouldn’t have happened without the Georgian government, it wouldn’t have happened without the West’s passivity, and it wouldn’t have happened without Russia’s actions that they did on the territory of Georgia, the results of which are visible.

🔶 It must be determined who played what role in this process. Could this war have been avoided?” – said Fridon Injia.

В мире существует реальная опасность применения ядерного оружия и прямого противостояния России и НАТО – Фридон Инджиа

There is a real danger of the use of nuclear weapons and direct confrontation between Russia and NATO – Fridon Injia

“The situation in the world, especially in its European part, is very difficult. There is great danger, and the situation is gradually getting worse. There is already a threat of war between Russia and NATO. There is a great danger of a direct clash between Russia and NATO member states.”

The chairman of the parliamentary political group “European Socialists” Fridon Injia spoke about this on live TV channel POS TV.

According to the MP, the North Atlantic Alliance is gradually getting more and more involved in the war with Russia, which includes the nuclear threat.

“If at the first stage cannons covering 70 km were delivered, then cannons covering 150 km were used. After that, the need demanded the introduction of modern tanks, and now it is about aviation. This is something that almost goes a step further and talks about nuclear missiles. What I mean – the airfields that you want the F-16 and other similar 5th generation aircraft need are specially equipped airfields. I doubt that such airfields are on the territory of Ukraine, therefore, if these planes are transferred to Ukraine, they should fly from the airfields of NATO countries. And this already creates a great danger of a direct collision between Russia and NATO member states”, said Fridon Injia.

Резолюция, принятая Европарламентом, — антигрузинское решение и вершина несправедливости — Fridon Eng

🔻 The resolution adopted by the European Parliament is an anti-Georgian decision and the peak of injustice – Fridon Eng

👉 The chairman of the parliamentary political group “European Socialists” Fridon Injia called the decision made by the European Parliament on February 15 in relation to Georgia the peak of injustice and an anti-Georgian decision, which, according to him, is directed against the main aspirations and ideals of Georgia, and at the same time, it is against Europe itself. Discrediting too.

🔶 “The majority of the population of Georgia adheres to the basic values of Western civilization. These are democracy, justice, new technologies, neighborliness and mutual cooperation. Therefore, Georgia has a great desire to establish European values in the country.

🔶It is a pity that in anticipation of this, the European parliamentarians adopt such a resolution in relation to Georgia, which is anti-Georgian, and this is not the first time. The first resolution, which was adopted in relation to Georgia about 10 months ago, some of those MPs are currently in prison and some of them are being investigated, they have had their parliamentary immunity removed. Therefore, no one knows how many more people there are among them who will have to leave the mandate.

🔶So, the decision made by the European Parliament is not only against the ideals of our country’s aspirations, but also a discredit to Europe itself, because not only the Georgian society is looking at this, but the society of other countries is also looking at it, and among them, Europe, and they see that this is the peak of injustice. “.

🔶It is known to everyone that the Saakashvili family signed a contract with an American lobbying company, and everything is open for which the Saakashvili family paid quite a substantial amount. But at the same time, there are also underwater currents that cannot be seen… That is, a certain group of the European Parliament fulfills the task, the request that the Saakashvili family requested from the lobbyists.

🔶In general, if we judge objectively, the European Union has much more headaches than Saakashvili’s problem.

🔶God forbid that the people of Georgia should be disappointed in the aspiration towards the European Union. That would be a big disappointment.

🔶Unfortunately, a kind of war has already started with us. It is not a war when there is an attack from all sides, whether you want to open a second front or not?

🔶May God help the government to withstand the difficulties it is facing today.

🔶Now regarding the recommendation received by the European Parliament regarding Bidzina Ivanishvili, I cannot imagine what the recommendation or instruction means, do it this way. Or should this resolution replace justice with us? Should we instruct the president to declare amnesty in this case? If amnesty is to be announced, will we only get it for one person? Because Georgia has nine or ten thousand convicts, and it should be for everyone if amnesty is needed. The rest is the court we trust. Everyone may not believe, but today there is no comparison between the court of 10 years ago and today.

🔶 Bidzina Ivanishvili has already done his job in 2012 and people stood by him.