fridon injia – The adoption of the law “On Broadcasting” is an order of the European Union;

📍 The adoption of the law “On Broadcasting” is an order of the European Union;
📍 If we adopted this law by order and allowed a precedent, tomorrow there will be another such order and demand. Therefore, for me, the laws passed by such an order are acceptable, and I did not vote for this law;
📍 We must withstand these attacks in this era of globalization and ultra-liberalism;
📍 Everything should be done so that the interests of our country are not oppressed. These last years have shown that those liberal views are basically against our country;
📍 I don’t know what conditions preceded the adoption of this law, but I believe that in this case, full responsibility rests with the ruling party.
📍 The head of the parliamentary political group “European Socialists” Fridon Injia stated this on the live broadcast of “Alt Info”.

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