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Fridon Injia再次呼吁该国当局对格鲁吉亚非政府组织的活动及其资金来源感兴趣。

Fridon Injia 再次呼吁该国当局对非政府组织在格鲁吉亚的活动及其资金来源感兴趣。


“去年 6 月 23 日,格鲁吉亚总理伊拉克利·加里巴什维利 (Irakli Gharibashvili) 带着年度报告。


仅美国就有8800万资金的非政府组织,主要是发表政治言论和充当政党。他们已经建立了政党结构。因此,去年 6 月 23 日,我认为适当的法律是可以接受的,它将限制这些组织的活动,我向政府和议会多数派发出了呼吁。

应该指出的是,基于格鲁吉亚的利益,我们的国家为各种组织提供资金,无论是国家组织还是其他组织。今天,我们看到由另一个国家资助的非政府组织,为什么? .因为该国的利益包括资助此类非政府组织,这些非政府组织向我们提出了这些国家感兴趣的主题或问题。

现在我想知道其他国家的利益如何与我国的利益相吻合?如果这是一回事,那么我们的国家应该为此类组织提供资金,如果外国今天向在格鲁吉亚工作的非政府组织支付 80-90 %,我想知道它是哪个国家以及它与格鲁吉亚有什么利益。这是重要的问题之一。

关于非政府组织法草案过于软化的评价,如果美国这个世界模范国家也有这样的法律草案,那我们就采用一模一样的法律吧。 ……同居还在继续?……我们在做什么? ……如果我们为了国家的利益而行动,国家的利益就应该追求到底,而不是半途而废。半途而废的工作是行不通的。

如果某些问题需要在法律上收紧,就应该收紧。在过去的 30 年里,这些组织一直在为所欲为,他们在活动中拥有完全的自由和权力。拉米,官员被任命为部长和公设辩护人以及许多其他人。这就是为什么它就足够了。


对于法案的发起人来说,最好回顾一下我在列表中提出的问题。好在 8 个月后他们得出这样的法律是必要的结论”。

由于格鲁吉亚周围的政治事件,最近需要就 2008 年 8 月的战争设立一个临时调查委员会变得更加紧迫 – Fridon Injia

由于格鲁吉亚周围的政治事件,最近需要就 2008 年 8 月的战争设立一个临时调查委员会变得更加紧迫 - Fridon Injia

议会政治团体“欧洲社会主义者”主席 Fridon Injia 回答了媒体关于成立调查委员会的问题。

“我们一进入议会,在这两年里,我们就建立一个关于 2008 年战争的临时调查委员会进行了多次对话,无论是来自议会论坛还是通过媒体。

在议会的高级论坛上,我多次表示这个委员会是必要的,关于发生的事情有很多问题,为什么我们的州失去了 20% 的领土。这可以避免吗?为什么会发生多达一千名格鲁吉亚战士不战而逃的情况?这是按谁的命令发生的?还有很多…

我们的未来、我们的人民、历史都需要建立真相。在这场战争中牺牲的战士们需要它。 408人失去了家人和家园。


我相信并且很多人都认为 2008 年 8 月的战争是一场有计划的背叛。这场战争有国贼参与,有奸细干这一切…… 不是一两天的战争,是经过深思熟虑,有前期准备的。




为什么我们渴望欧洲的价值观? ... 想想欧洲议会在做出这一决定后应该有什么价值...格鲁吉亚人民应该有什么希望和保证不会对我们的国家适用双重或三重标准。





如果“梦想”不支持成立调查 2008 年战争的议会委员会,IE 他们不想揭露叛徒和间谍——“欧洲社会主义者”主席 Friedon Injia

If “Dream” does not support the creation of the parliamentary investigation commission of the 2008 war, i.e. They do not want to expose traitors and spies – Chairman of “European Socialists” Friedon Injia

During the next session week, we will probably communicate with our colleagues from the “dream”, and if they do not support us, then it turns out that they do not want to expose the traitors who were in 2008 and are still operating today. In this case, the “dream” itself should provide answers to the questions still existing in the society regarding the August War.
This was stated by Fridon Injia, the initiator of the August 2008 war prosecutor’s investigation and the creation of the parliamentary investigative commission, the chairman of the political group “European Socialists”.

“What is happening around Ivanishvili is the result of cohabitation. If this cohabitation was not there, and the rule of law was applied, we would not have the current situation. If “Dream” does not support our initiative – to create a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the 2008 war, then they themselves must give the answers to the public – who were the spies and traitors of the country, who then and today are doing everything to ensure that Georgia does not progress, but continues to suffer. and loss of territories”, said Fridon Injia.

According to him, conducting the mentioned investigation and giving concrete answers to all aspects of the August war is becoming more relevant today.
“I believe that those spies and traitors of the country, who cooked all this, prepared and created what we got, what we got in August 2008, the same people today continue the same rhetoric and still want to involve Georgia in the war,” said the deputy.

Regarding the issue of whether the majority will support this initiative, Fridon Injia states that their position is unknown to him.

“I don’t go to their meetings, I don’t know. As they decide, so they decide. We have been asking for this for almost 2 years now, however, it has become more urgent now. Next session week we will probably communicate with them and see. If they did not support us, i.e. They don’t want to expose the country’s traitors,” the chairman of “European Socialists” emphasized.

由于核战争的危险,我呼吁政府制定一项特殊的国家计划,以确保保护我们的公民 – Fridon Injia

📍 Due to the dangers of nuclear war, I call on the government to develop a special state plan that will ensure the protection of our citizens – Fridon Injia

🔶 The chairman of the political group “European Socialists” of the Parliament of Georgia Fridon Injia calls on the government to develop a special state plan that will ensure the protection of the country’s citizens, because today the world, especially in the European part, is in the worst situation.

🔶 “In the world today It is a dangerous situation. The situation is particularly severe in the European part and this situation is getting more difficult every day. Nuclear war is not out of the question and the world is very close to this danger and we are moving towards it every day. Therefore, I take advantage of the opportunity and call on our government to be fully prepared for complications. I believe that a special plan should be made for this and this plan should be created immediately, where the duties of each ministry or minister will be specifically outlined. In particular, who is responsible for what. No collective liability. Collective responsibility is personally unacceptable to me. Each minister should take his field under personal control.

🔶 First of all, energy is important here so that the country does not remain without energy. It is also important whether the gas supply or the stock of food products. This must be done considering the current situation in the world.” – said Fridon Injia.

🔶 The chairman of the political group drew attention to the passivity of the population in European countries in political matters and noted that the main part of the population there is entrusted to their own government.

🔶 “I have to tell you one thing, the population of European countries is not as politicized as it is in Georgia, where every other person is interested in politics. The population of European countries mainly trusts their government, and today there are leaders in these governments whose activities can be considered very extremist. If you want to take the example of Kubilius (European Parliamentarian Andrew Kubilius), if he had more power today, he would definitely use nuclear weapons tomorrow.

🔶 Therefore, our government should have already made such a plan, which will outline the actions of all members of the government from the very first minutes, as soon as this happens. This is what my country needs to survive.” – noted Fridon Injia.

🔶 According to him, we are not talking about the double-digit growth of the country’s economy, we are talking about the physical survival of the country, taking into account the geopolitical location of Georgia.

🔶 “Unfortunately, the danger of nuclear war in the world is increasing every day. Not even a single step was taken to stabilize the situation. There was no talk of negotiations or peace initiatives. On the contrary, more and more lives are being sacrificed to these processes every day. The government should take more rights, for example, in the social sector.

🔶 What has been done about drugs is welcome. The same can be said about the decisions taken by the state regarding the objects of strategic importance. I have in mind the contract of Khudon HPP, the port of Anaklia. It gives us strength to survive.

🔶 If we sell everything and there is not a single object left under the control of the state, such a state cannot exist, and at such a time there will always be more pressure from abroad on our country. And when the state stands at its height and acts in any field based on the interests of the country, such a state will be strong.

Therefore, it is essential that the government takes over price control and price profitability for private companies should be set within 20-30%, otherwise the salary and pension increases are meaningless.

🔶 Therefore, price control is one of the most important issues for the government. It will be related to fuel, energy supply, gas supply or food products.

🔶 Also, the policy of the government in relation to strategic objects is important. What is sold must be redeemed and it must be transferred to the state.” – Fridon Injia believes.

🔶 To what extent does participation in energy projects increase Georgia’s political security, and how important is the political niche for Georgia, which is called the Middle Corridor? Is this issue one of the country’s security factors?

🔶 To this question, Friedon Injia answered that the most important of various important economic projects is the Middle Corridor project, which China, Asian countries need to connect with Europe, and in general, Europe needs the energy resources that are in Asia. Therefore, the country’s government should work and do everything to make the Middle Corridor project a reality.”

🔶 As for the Anaklia project, it may be a complex project that needs to be discussed, and I am still skeptical about this issue, because the development of the Anaklia project is related to the railways, the cargo and the countries that have to load the cargo. It will be Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan or China. Without the participation of these three countries, 51% of the Anaklia port construction project should be in the hands of the state, and in principle, it was announced by the government, and this is welcome.” – noted Fridon Injia.

🔶 “I think, considering these energy projects, Europe’s interest in Georgia will increase. However, there are countries that may go against it, because it is a very profitable and saving project for our country.” – said Fridon Injia.

🔶 “To return once again to my initiative, where I focused on spies and traitors in connection with the August 2008 war, in some cases they say that if we cooperate with the Western special services, this is acceptable, and with the Northern countries, this cooperation is not acceptable.

🔶 A person who works for the interests of another country, it doesn’t matter to me whether it is a western country or a northern one. Both are enemies of my country. Therefore, if a commission of inquiry is formed, these questions will be answered and made clear. Because what happened in August 2008, it was all the makings of one day.

🔶 I think that the war of August 2008 was planned for a long time. And what preceded it, and who was the doer of it? These were traitors to the country, indoctrinated and, of course, primarily based on their own interests.

🔶 I think that the loss of 20% territories of Georgia was deliberate and planned.

I’m pretty sure with the 80% it was a three way deal. In particular, the agreement between the governments of Russia, the West and Georgia.

🔶 It wouldn’t have happened without the Georgian government, it wouldn’t have happened without the West’s passivity, and it wouldn’t have happened without Russia’s actions that they did on the territory of Georgia, the results of which are visible.

🔶 It must be determined who played what role in this process. Could this war have been avoided?” – said Fridon Injia.

俄罗斯和北约在世界范围内使用核武器和直接对抗存在真正的危险——Fridon Injia

There is a real danger of the use of nuclear weapons and direct confrontation between Russia and NATO – Fridon Injia

“The situation in the world, especially in its European part, is very difficult. There is great danger, and the situation is gradually getting worse. There is already a threat of war between Russia and NATO. There is a great danger of a direct clash between Russia and NATO member states.”

The chairman of the parliamentary political group “European Socialists” Fridon Injia spoke about this on live TV channel POS TV.

According to the MP, the North Atlantic Alliance is gradually getting more and more involved in the war with Russia, which includes the nuclear threat.

“If at the first stage cannons covering 70 km were delivered, then cannons covering 150 km were used. After that, the need demanded the introduction of modern tanks, and now it is about aviation. This is something that almost goes a step further and talks about nuclear missiles. What I mean – the airfields that you want the F-16 and other similar 5th generation aircraft need are specially equipped airfields. I doubt that such airfields are on the territory of Ukraine, therefore, if these planes are transferred to Ukraine, they should fly from the airfields of NATO countries. And this already creates a great danger of a direct collision between Russia and NATO member states”, said Fridon Injia.

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