

📌 We do not intend to review the decisions of the Hague and Strasbourg courts. As a result of the resolutions adopted by them, it was determined that the Georgian soldiers did not commit a crime;

📌The purpose of creating a temporary investigative commission is to establish the truth:

📌Why the August 2008 war between Russia and Georgia happened;

📌Could we have avoided this great disaster for the country, and Georgia would not have lost 20% of territories;

📌Truth must be one;

📌The creation of the commission is important for the history of the country, for the people, for the society, which must know the truth. Also, it is necessary for the government itself to never carry out similar actions;

📍 These and other important questions were answered by the chairman of the parliamentary political group “European Socialists” Fridon Injia on “Season TV” during his live participation in the program “Summary of the Day”.

📍 Fridon Injia believes that the “National Movement” itself needs to know the truth about the events of the August 2008 war.

📍“Knowing the truth is important even for the youth of the “National Movement” who did not participate in these vicissitudes, and they should know how the predecessors of their party acted.

📍 All the charges brought against Saakashvili today are insignificant compared to the action, as a result of which Georgia lost 20% of the country’s territories.

📍 The population should be informed and an answer should be given to the main question, who was to blame for the fact that the state lost 20% of the country’s territory. This is the most important question.

📍 Fridon Injia believes that Saakashvili would not have taken a step without an agreement with the United States of America, and that not only America, but also Russia participated in this process.

📍“The President of Georgia would not take a step without an agreement with the United States of America. There is another side, maybe everything was agreed with Russia and Saakashvili was preparing a package for Russia, in the form of Kodori Gorge or Akhalgori. In this process, the then government of Georgia had its own private interest.” – noted Fridon Injia.

📍To the journalist’s question, how appropriate it is when ambassadors accredited to Georgia directly interfere in the activities of the country’s legislative body and indicate which law should be adopted by the parliament, the chairman of the political group said that this is pressure from the diplomatic corps.

📍“This is pressure from the diplomatic corps in Georgia on the deputies elected by the people. Members of Parliament are elected by the people, and Parliament is accountable to the people, not to international organizations.

📍 Interference in the internal affairs of Georgia is a problem of our government. I think difficulties will be overcome consistently. The main thing is to maintain peace and not to take steps to destabilize the region.” – said Fridon Injia.

服兵役应该对每个人都是强制性的,包括神职人员 - Fridon injia

📍 每个人都应该服兵役,包括神职人员 - Fridon injia

📍 服兵役应该对每个人都是强制性的,包括神职人员,这将是军队的一个额外的巨大动力。

🔸 议会政治团体“欧洲社会主义者”主席 Fridon Injia 在法律事务委员会会议上宣布了这一消息,代表们在会议上讨论了国防法修正案。 他们讨论了这个项目。

🔸 “应征入伍对每个人来说都是强制性的,包括神职人员……这对军队来说是一个很大的动力。她们还应该阅读祈祷文并接受军事训练……如果女孩愿意,她们也应该服役,为此你应该做好一切准备,”Fridon Injia 说。

🔸 他强调,军队结构中要有思想服务,重点是对青少年的思想培养和教育,这个方向要与教育部一起发展。

🔸 “官员应该在教育机构和学校讲课。没有国防部和教育部的共同努力,这不会发生。在这个项目中,它根本没有出现。就好像你是分开的,状态也是分开的。不,你是为了国家,你必须为格鲁吉亚培养最有思想意识的公民,”这位副手指出。

🔸 同时,Fridon Injia 建议法律草案的作者考虑以色列的例子,而不是芬兰和波罗的海国家。

🔸 “为什么你以芬兰和波罗的海国家为榜样?波罗的海国家与格鲁吉亚的地缘政治局势有何共同点?是否讨论过以色列的例子,它与我们处于同样困难的环境中,但他们的军事领导层处于最高水平......我认为他们可能拥有核武器......“Injia 指出。

🔸 他还谈到有必要为那些服完兵役的年轻人建立特权。

根据 Fridon Injia 的说法,最好在全国各地的城市为外部供应商准备专门的场所,让他们可以销售他们的产品。

📍 According to the chairman of the political group “European Socialists” of the Parliament, Fridon Injia, it would be good to prepare special places for outside traders in municipalities across the country, where they can sell their products.

📍 In this regard, the deputy considers it expedient to create a special law that will regulate the issue of external vendors at the legislative level, along with the changes in the Code of Administrative Offenses.

📍 of Georgia The legislative initiative was discussed in the first reading in the legal affairs committee of the Parliament, on the basis of which the scope of action of administrative offenses was expanded and clarified, which also implies the tightening of the law against external traders and the imposition of fines on them.

🔸 “Would it be possible to adopt a law in parallel with this draft law, which obliges the municipality, before moving on to fines and punishment mechanisms, as it is written in the project, to prepare places in the city center, in the suburbs, where outside vendors can sell their products”, said Fridon Injia.

🔸 According to the MP, the articles in the draft law, which imply different methods of fines and punishments, are unacceptable to him.

🔸 “For me, these issues are unacceptable, and I don’t think that this form of fine is acceptable for an outside trader who sells products brought from home or something else. Therefore, wouldn’t it be right, together with this law, to have an obligation at the level of the law that all municipalities create a special place and create appropriate conditions for outside traders. Of course, there should be order, including in relation to external vendors, but it should be balanced and the state, together with municipalities, should do everything for it, and I think it should be an acceptable proposal for everyone.” – noted Fridon Injia.


📌 The so-called “war party” in Europe and America today not only works on certain issues, but is strong. If we specifically consider the administration of the United States of America, what is the real chance of creating a temporary investigative commission given these conditions and the current political situation?

📌 Was the start of the war in August 2008 not in the interests of certain forces, namely the United States of America and the West? such an opinion It has the right to exist even on a theoretical level.

📌 What can be the reaction of the current administration of the United States of America, or from the West, to the creation of a temporary parliamentary investigative commission regarding the events of the August 2008 war?

📍 The chairman of the political group “European Socialists” of the Parliament of Georgia Fridon Injia answers the most pressing questions about the creation of a temporary investigative commission regarding the events of the August 2008 war and current political issues in “Post Analytics”.

🔹“Certain politicians, or a political party in the United States of America, is clearly a war party that must decide everything by war.

🔹 Before that, the ambassadors of the United States of America spoke differently about the 2008 war. They have a completely different point of view and have much more information, and we will need their opinion to analyze what happened in 2008.

🔹 That’s why I’m not surprised. Today, the American ambassador to Georgia fulfills the task of the current American government.

🔹 I am sure that if the president of the United States of America had been someone else, even Trump, this controversy would not have been at this level. Today, not only Ukraine, but also Europe is in the most difficult situation, and these economic difficulties, which befell Europe, will become stronger and more acute.

🔹It is no coincidence that the German Chancellor is sometimes in China and sometimes in India. So is the French president. The leaders of the leading European countries arrive on official visits to different countries together with the heads of the largest corporations of world importance.

🔹What caused this? It is so difficult for Europe from the economic point of view that there have been no such visits by the leaders of European countries for the past ten years.

🔹 what does this mean? This means that it is not so easy to transfer all this, to help Ukraine, in different directions, with energy resources, or depending on the consumer basket. – Fridon Injia believes.

🔹In the program, the chairman of the political group also assessed the ruling party’s position regarding the creation of a temporary investigative commission regarding the events of August 2008.

🔹“As for the composition of the “Dream” party and the rhetoric of “People’s Power”, I would say that they lack severity, they do not tell the truth.

🔹 I can say the same about the two options of the draft law introduced by “People’s Power”, which will affect the activities of non-governmental organizations in Georgia.

🔹The first version of the draft law presented by “People’s Power” is very liberal and only informative. Moreover, I would say that this is a half-law that does not produce any results. Any law should be effective and should determine the rules of the game based on Georgia’s interests. I call on “people power” to withdraw the first law and leave the American version of the second project. – noted Fridon Injia.

🔹The deputy believes that if the American version of the draft law expresses and is consistent with the interests of Georgia as a state, it should be accepted by the legislative body without any questions, and therefore it is incomprehensible to send it to the Venice Commission.

🔹“Any law of the states included in the Venice Commission, which is valid and works in this or that country, must be accepted without any examination.

Regarding the “de-oligarchization” law that was sent to the Venice Commission, the difference is that the “de-oligarchization” law exists in Ukraine, but it does not exist in America. Here is the difference and I had nothing against it. However, I knew in advance that until it suits Ivanishvili, there will be no law.

🔹In this case, yes, this law works in a democratic country and it is not clear why it needs the approval of the Venice Commission. – said Fridon Injia.


According to the deputy, the main criticism of this draft law is heard from the representatives of non-governmental organizations, which only last year received funding in the amount of 200 million.

🔹“The question is which peasant or worker or employee will make a statement that we should not adopt this law, which is against the Constitution of Georgia, the interests of the state of Georgia.

🔹 I support this bill only and only because it is based on the interests of Georgia, because another country that invests 200 million in Georgia has its own interests, and I wonder if the country that spends such a large amount of money in my country has the same interests. the interests of my country? This is the main question.

🔹 Therefore, this very law will be a filter, a picture, whether it matches the interests of Georgia or not. All details are clearly spelled out in this law.” – said Fridon Injia.

🔹The deputy is sure that in case of creation of a temporary investigative commission, the conclusions of the commission will be useful for the “National Movement” itself and the parties under its wing.

🔹 In the program, Fridon Injia also commented on the recent assessments of political scientist Zaza Shatirishvili regarding the current political events in the country and noted that “whether the political scientist’s statements are guidelines or not, it is very important, especially for the government to draw appropriate conclusions and be ready for anything.”

议会调查委员会不是为了审查斯特拉斯堡和海牙法院的裁决而设立的,它必须确定是否存在叛国罪 – Fridon Injia

📍 The Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry is not established to review the decisions of the Strasbourg and Hague Courts; He must determine whether there was treason or not – Fridon Eng

📍 The temporary parliamentary investigative commission on the subject of the August 2008 war is not being created to review the decisions of the Strasbourg and Hague courts, which unequivocally state that the Georgian army is innocent.

📍 The program about this in “Post Analytics” is parliamentary Chairman of the political group “European Socialists” Fridon Injia said.

🔶 The deputy noted that the commission should determine whether pre-agreed treacherous decisions on the part of the then government took place and whether this war could have been avoided.

🔶 “The investigation commission should answer the following questions:

❓ Could the war have been avoided?

❓ Why did Georgia lose 20% of territory and could these territories be saved?

❓ Could innocent people not have died, and 30,000 people would not have become new refugees in their country, and 150,000 residents would not have lost their homes.

❓ What decisions of the government preceded in 2008?

❓ The same pre-2007 sale of strategic facilities at a straw price, which does not mean at all that the buyer bought these facilities cheaply… What was the difference compared to the amount that went into the state treasury?

❓ Why was the article of treason to the motherland removed from the Criminal Code?

❓ The same Kodori valley will be renamed as Upper Abkhazia, thereby expanding the region of Abkhazia to a certain extent, as well as expanding the borders of the South Ossetian Autonomous District. All this was prepared in advance.

❓ Why did they surrender the Kodori valley without a fight?

❓ Why and how suddenly Akhalgori, which was under the control of the Georgian side, was under the control of the enemy and something else.

When all this is put together, it will become clear who was doing what and by whom. “I can list up to 10 people who made decisions regarding the 2008 war and who are still actively fighting to somehow open a second front in Georgia,” said Fridon Injia.

🔶 According to the deputy, the vision and reaction of the “National Movement” to the initiative he voiced on the creation of an investigative commission was not unexpected for him, because they themselves were the creators of this war.

🔶 At the same time, the deputy noted that the United States of America, if it wanted, had the necessary leverage to avoid this war for Georgia, as well as to avoid the current war for Ukraine.