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📍 The chairman of the political group “European Socialists” of the Parliament of Georgia Fridon Injia called on the parliamentary majority in the country’s highest legislative body to conduct law-making activities only based on the interests of the country and people.

🔴 In his speech, the chairman of the political group reviewed the most relevant political topics of the past year, which was preceded by the report of the Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia, Shalva Papuashvili, on the activities of the Parliament in 2022.

🔴 Fridon Injia emphasized the “artificially invented and developed” 12-point demand of the European Union, which practically became the main issue of the 2022 political agenda. The chairman of the political group believes that working on these issues is a waste of time, and it is better for the country’s highest legislative body to adopt such important laws that will improve the economic and social situation in the country, which will create the basis and guarantee for citizens to have stable and normal living conditions.

🔴 The deputy also drew attention to such fundamental and principled issues for the state, such as the preservation of the country’s history, traditions and customs, on which the state stands and which is the main backbone for preserving the country’s identity.

欧洲社会主义者不会支持去寡头化法律草案 - Fridon Injia

📍 “European socialists” will not support the draft law “on deoligarchization” – Fridon Injia
👉 The parliamentary political group “European Socialists” will not support the draft law “On Deoligarchization”.
🔴 Chairman of “European Socialists” Fridon Injia stated about this today during a remote meeting of members of the delegation of the Venice Commission with parliamentary political groups.
🔴 According to him, the main reason for this is that the draft law does not comply with the Constitution of Georgia, it is not sophisticated and, in addition, no civilized country has adopted a similar law.
🔴 “We will not vote for this bill in this form. It does not correspond to the supreme law of Georgia – the Constitution. This is the first factor.
Second, the right to fair consideration of the case and also the right to appeal the decision is a fundamental human right recognized by international law, which will be violated if the mentioned law is enacted,” said Fridon Injia.
🔴 According to him, the draft law is completely taken from the legislation of Ukraine, where there is a completely different reality, and in Georgia – another.
🔴 The MP emphasized that the crime of voter bribery in Georgia is already punished by criminal legislation.
🔴 “I want to draw attention to one interesting detail. In particular, if an oligarch meets the imaginary criteria and is included in the register of oligarchs, even in case of bankruptcy, it is impossible to remove this person from the register. This is not provided for in the law. While in the case of a convicted person, it is even possible to remove the conviction, but it is not possible to remove the bankrupt oligarch from the register,” Fridon Injia said.





🔹 在保护人权的幌子下,是偷偷地发生在国家的身份认同上,还是在不同国家对格鲁吉亚身份的中和、漂白、平等化上,因为人权保护领域还包括意识形态。因此,我认为你们委员会的工作非常重要。你个人认为你如何应对在人权的支持下,他们想要破坏和破坏我们的身份、个人主义和世界观的巨大努力?

🔹 在拥有多达一百万格鲁吉亚人的俄罗斯联邦,格鲁吉亚移民的权利在多大程度上受到保护?在这方面正在做什么?你和他们有联系吗?你认为应该怎么做才能让这些人不离开格鲁吉亚?保护他们的权利符合格鲁吉亚的利益。”

📍 Fridon Injia 评估了驻土耳其和俄罗斯联邦的外交使团的活动。

📍 Fridon Injia 评估了驻土耳其和俄罗斯联邦的外交使团的活动。

📍在春季会议的全体会议上,格鲁吉亚议会政治团体“欧洲社会主义者”主席弗里东·因加表达了对土耳其因地震而发生的悲剧的悲痛,并感谢特别和格鲁吉亚驻土耳其全权大使 Giorgi Janjghava 表示,他的工作堪称典范,他是在土耳其工作的数万名格鲁吉亚人的代表。他在灾难或 Lkhini 时站在公民身边。

🔸“欢迎各位同事,我也加入了土耳其人民今天正在经历的悲痛之中。我想强调我们在土耳其的大使和外交使团所做的工作,并代表我的政党亲自感谢 Giorgi Janjghava,他站在奇拉或 Lkhini 的数万格鲁吉亚人身边。它组织各种文化活动和商务会议。 Giorgi Janjghava 代表格鲁吉亚行事,是我们政府与土耳其政府之间的桥梁。他站在土耳其格鲁吉亚侨民的一边,他的工作堪称典范。” - Fridon Injia 说。

🔴 政治团体主席将瑞士联邦驻俄罗斯联邦大使馆格鲁吉亚利益部负责人、特命全权大使 Giorgi Kajaia 和领事 Sozar Quinchia 的活动与 Giorgi Kajaia 的活动相提并论,他们说,对国会议员来说,不能履行他们的职责,而且,不清楚他们是为了什么以及他们正在执行谁的任务。他们以及他们在多大程度上支持数百万侨民,他们为格鲁吉亚的经济进步做出了巨大贡献。

🔴 “我想与俄罗斯联邦进行比较,那里居住着多达一百万格鲁吉亚人,他们为格鲁吉亚的经济发展做出了巨大贡献。格利益科的领导层应该热心帮助我们的同胞,站在他们一边。这时,相反的情况正在发生。打电话给他们是不可能的,如果你打电话预约,他们可能会侮辱你。我不知道他们在那里干什么。很可能,他们正在执行一些任务,但不清楚是谁的任务”。

🔴 “格鲁吉亚利益科的领导层应该成为我们生活在俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚的同胞之间的桥梁。与在格鲁吉亚有超过一百万亲戚的一百万人在一起。他们还应该帮助俄罗斯联邦的格鲁吉亚侨民。”


🔴“格鲁吉亚侨民及其领导人戴维特·采茨赫拉泽在整个俄罗斯联邦聚集了侨民,他们今天正在履行他们的职责。召开了两次会议。他组织了音乐会、展览,并且从事真正的格鲁吉亚工作。 “今天,他真的是格鲁吉亚驻俄罗斯的代表,履行着领事馆的职责,”弗里东因加说。


🔴 “我认为他们在做什么会很清楚。他们就像一个独立的王国。 Katsishvili 不控制他们的活动。政府不去那里。我们与俄罗斯没有外交关系。他们为所欲为。所以我觉得,积极做事,站在同胞一边的外交部,如果要拿土耳其举例,应该也对这个问题感兴趣。这已经变成了 Kajaya 和 Quinchia 这两个,他们在世界各地砍掉了我们的脑袋,”Fridon Injia 补充道。


🔴格鲁吉亚总理 Irakli Gharibashvili 在介绍 2022 年报告时表示,如果格鲁吉亚统一,阿布哈兹可以成为第二个摩纳哥和苏呼米 - 第二个蒙特卡洛,格鲁吉亚中央政府有可能头三年在阿布哈兹和萨马查布洛投资100亿。总理还指出,政府不会修改关于被占领土的政策,政府将努力以和平方式统一国家。
🔴 “因此,该国政府的主要任务应该是解决人为制造和自我吸收的格鲁吉亚-阿布哈兹和格鲁吉亚-奥塞梯冲突。必须定义新的方法——有必要转向直接谈判的模式,并让所有感兴趣的(内部和外部)各方参与,”该党的声明中写道。

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