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Fridon Injia 提出一项倡议,为那些在 2023 年要生孩子的农村家庭提供 500 GEL 援助

👉 Fridon Injia 提出一项倡议,为2023年将要生孩子的农村家庭提供500 GEL援助

🔹 正在为他们开展大型基础设施项目,而格鲁吉亚的村庄空无一人,多达 100 万格鲁吉亚公民,包括学生和身体健全的人口,流离失所到国外。

🔹政治团体“欧洲社会主义者”主席Fridon Injia在议会全体会议上宣布了这一点,并表示主动向2023年将要生育的农村家庭提供500 GEL援助。

🔹“我认为,整个大众媒体和今天的议会都在谈论次要问题:自认的候选人地位,12 点要求;谁将是公设辩护人,如何就公设辩护人的提名达成一致,如果不能达成一致,这将是下一个话题;谁将成为“民族运动”的主席;我们谈论的是在欧洲和世界各地肆虐的大国之间的战争;我们正在谈论去寡头化,我们想以某种方式将一位慈善家赶出国门,而不是吸引有钱人。此时的格鲁吉亚在今天代表着什么呢?人口约370万,包括学生和求职者在内的多达100万人流离失所,谁也不知道他们是否会回来。根据 2021 年的数据,死亡人数超过出生人数 15,000 - 60,000 人死亡,”Fridon Injia 说。

🔹 正如这位副手所说,格鲁吉亚的村庄缺乏年轻人和健全的人口,而这里正在实施大型基础设施项目。

🔹 “我们建设基础设施、道路、天然气、电力、水……如果我们没有人口,我们这样做是为了谁?我认为,今天最重要的是稳定农村人口,提高和促进出生率,以及公民返回格鲁吉亚。否则,这个国家明天就会发现自己处于最糟糕的境地”,Fridon Injia 说。

🔹 据他介绍,一个家庭在农村养育一个孩子大约需要500 GEL。

🔹“让我们让 2023 年成为提高出生率的一年,让我们用 500 GEL 帮助那些将在 2023 年出生孩子的家庭”,Fridon Injia 说。






On behalf of the "European Socialists" of Georgia, we congratulate you on the great success of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China and welcome your election to the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.




我相信,您在讲话中提出的中国未来发展命题:“形成社会主义市场经济优势体制”、“形成现代生产体系”、“农村综合振兴工程”、“促进区域协调发展”、 “最大限度对外开放”将导致新中国新制度——“更加现代化的中国特色社会主义”形成。







主席是 Fridon Injia

关于去寡头化的法律草案违宪 议会政治团体欧洲社会主义者弗里登·英贾(Fridon Injia)在 Alt Info T 的另类愿景计划中指出了这一点。

🔹 “The draft law on deoligarchization is unconstitutional.”
🔹 Chairman of the parliamentary political group “European Socialists” Fridon Injia stated this in the program “Alternative Vision” of “Alt Info” TV.
🔹 “We will be against this draft law until the end, because it is against the Constitution of Georgia. the so-called Entering a person into the register, declaring him an oligarch without having the right to appeal, is against Article 31 of the Constitution of Georgia. A citizen should have the right to appeal any decision. If the parliament adopts the draft law “on deoligization” in this form, we will file a constitutional lawsuit in the Constitutional Court. – said Fridon Injia.
🔹 According to the deputy, the ruling party very skillfully used the law of Ukraine and transferred it to Georgia one by one.
🔹”If the law is acceptable in Ukraine, logically, it should be acceptable here as well. If the concept of an oligarch fits into the parameters of the reality in Ukraine, then it should also fit here, and in such a case, many people, including those from the opposition, can be included in this list. Therefore, the ruling party is trying to kill two birds with one stone. In addition, the conclusion of the OSCE/ODIHR regarding the said draft law, which the ruling party is waiting for, is important. – noted Fridon Injia
🔹 The chairman of the political group believes that the government should pay more attention and continue working in the direction of economic development and strengthening of the country, as well as in terms of peace policy, the results of which we are witnessing today.
🔹 “It is the country’s interests and state thinking that are more important than the implementation of the 12-point plan, for which the current government is striving. It is important to pursue a rigid policy, in which, unfortunately, our government will falter,” Fridon Injia added.


🔹 议会政治团体“欧洲社会主义者”主席弗里东·因加评价“欧洲议会发布的最新文件,呼吁格鲁吉亚当局释放米哈伊尔·萨卡什维利出狱”,认为这是对格鲁吉亚国家事务的粗暴干涉。
🔹 这是议会政治团体“欧洲社会主义者”的主席 Fridon Injia 在访问“Alt Info”电视频道的“Alternative Vision”节目时说的。
🔹 “这显然是对格鲁吉亚内政的干涉。这是对国家、宪法、揭露罪犯的法律的侮辱。实际上,他们告诉我们释放有罪的人。罪犯就是罪犯,不仅根据格鲁吉亚的立法,而且根据他们的立法。罪犯应该受到惩罚,无论他的政治愿景或地位如何,”Fridon Injia 说。
🔹关于Badri Japaridze和Mamuka Khazaradze的案件,政治团体主席指出,如果他们有任何罪行,相关机构应该在Japaridze-Khazaradze参与政治之前更早做出决定。
🔹 “为此花了7-8年甚至更长的时间。因此,这里有点不同。尽管如此,这是格鲁吉亚政府的事。” Fridon Injia 补充道。


🔹 The chairman of the parliamentary political group “European Socialists” Fridon Injia believes that, based on the important political events taking place in the world, there are many things to be well analyzed and thought about, because the world’s new political and economic centers are intersecting.
🔹 While visiting “Alternative View” program of “Alt Info” TV Company, when asked by a journalist, “Hasn’t Georgia bowed before the European Union or the countries of the world through various governments”, Fridon Injia noted that, of course, such facts took place during the previous government, and some In this case, it was a crime.
🔹 “Every government has its own interest and task. The previous government had its own interest and task. The current government has found other interests and goals that are closer to the people’s interests, and I welcome this direction. However, I would say that in many cases this is not the case … perhaps the time is not yet right. Let’s wait for another election, what will be the situation in the world. For example, the same Chinese factor where the congress was held and they are now in the process of preparing to show their plans. Therefore, the following steps will probably appear. This will also be important. Also, it will be seen how and with what the polarization, the confrontation between the parties, which is in the United States of America, will end.”
“Also, the situation in the European Union itself is important. In particular, the visit of the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (Martin Schulz – Chancellor of Germany) to China is noteworthy. Practically, the first people from European countries came there less often. It should be noted that the German Chancellor arrived in China and was accompanied by the owners of such industrial concerns, which represent the driving force of the EU economy. This is something to think about, to analyze well, and everyone should draw an appropriate conclusion.” – said Fridon Injia.

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