Kategori Arşivleri: Haberler

Avrupa Parlamentosu'nun Aldığı Karar Gürcü Karşıtı Bir Karar Ve Adaletsizliğin Doruk Noktasıdır – Fridon Eng

🔻 The resolution adopted by the European Parliament is an anti-Georgian decision and the peak of injustice – Fridon Eng

👉 The chairman of the parliamentary political group “European Socialists” Fridon Injia called the decision made by the European Parliament on February 15 in relation to Georgia the peak of injustice and an anti-Georgian decision, which, according to him, is directed against the main aspirations and ideals of Georgia, and at the same time, it is against Europe itself. Discrediting too.

🔶 “The majority of the population of Georgia adheres to the basic values of Western civilization. These are democracy, justice, new technologies, neighborliness and mutual cooperation. Therefore, Georgia has a great desire to establish European values in the country.

🔶It is a pity that in anticipation of this, the European parliamentarians adopt such a resolution in relation to Georgia, which is anti-Georgian, and this is not the first time. The first resolution, which was adopted in relation to Georgia about 10 months ago, some of those MPs are currently in prison and some of them are being investigated, they have had their parliamentary immunity removed. Therefore, no one knows how many more people there are among them who will have to leave the mandate.

🔶So, the decision made by the European Parliament is not only against the ideals of our country’s aspirations, but also a discredit to Europe itself, because not only the Georgian society is looking at this, but the society of other countries is also looking at it, and among them, Europe, and they see that this is the peak of injustice. “.

🔶It is known to everyone that the Saakashvili family signed a contract with an American lobbying company, and everything is open for which the Saakashvili family paid quite a substantial amount. But at the same time, there are also underwater currents that cannot be seen… That is, a certain group of the European Parliament fulfills the task, the request that the Saakashvili family requested from the lobbyists.

🔶In general, if we judge objectively, the European Union has much more headaches than Saakashvili’s problem.

🔶God forbid that the people of Georgia should be disappointed in the aspiration towards the European Union. That would be a big disappointment.

🔶Unfortunately, a kind of war has already started with us. It is not a war when there is an attack from all sides, whether you want to open a second front or not?

🔶May God help the government to withstand the difficulties it is facing today.

🔶Now regarding the recommendation received by the European Parliament regarding Bidzina Ivanishvili, I cannot imagine what the recommendation or instruction means, do it this way. Or should this resolution replace justice with us? Should we instruct the president to declare amnesty in this case? If amnesty is to be announced, will we only get it for one person? Because Georgia has nine or ten thousand convicts, and it should be for everyone if amnesty is needed. The rest is the court we trust. Everyone may not believe, but today there is no comparison between the court of 10 years ago and today.

🔶 Bidzina Ivanishvili has already done his job in 2012 and people stood by him.

2008 Savaşını Tüm Yönleriyle İncelemek ve Sorulara Cevap Vermek Sonraki Hükümetlere Ders Olacak, Bir Daha İhanet Yaşanmasın - Fridon Injia

Investigating all aspects of the 2008 war and giving answers to the questions will be a lesson for subsequent governments so that the betrayal will not happen again – Fridon Injia

The investigation of all aspects of the August 2008 war is necessary for the future history and society of Georgia, as an example to prevent similar mistakes or pre-planned betrayal from happening again, and for this to be a lesson for all subsequent governments.

The chairman of the parliamentary political group “European Socialists” Fridon Injia said about this in the program “Postanalitika” of TV company POS TV.

“European Socialists” came up with an initiative in the highest legislative body regarding the initiation of the prosecutor’s investigation and the creation of the parliamentary investigative commission in connection with the August war.
“The fact that we lost 20% of the territories of Georgia is not accidental, and will someone answer for this?” It is no coincidence that more than 1,000 Georgian soldiers who were in the Kodori valley abandoned everything without a fight. Did someone order this? There are also questions regarding how cannons and planes were adjusted, and what objects were destroyed on the territory of Georgia.
I suspect that all this was not the creation of one day. It was the creation of months, where everything was planned from both the Russian and Georgian sides. I want an answer! I want everything to be determined – who, how and what he did”, MP Fridon Injia emphasized.

He also spoke about the tripartite ceasefire agreement signed in 2008 and said that it should be found out who has what role in accepting the document in this form.
“The answer must be given:
• What was the draft of the tripartite ceasefire agreement, how was it adopted, and who has what role in it;
• What caused this contract;
• Was it possible to prevent the loss of territories, and what was needed for this?
• Why did it happen like this, could it have been decided differently?”, Injia noted.

On the need to educate the population and collect signatures, he noted that the need to investigate the 2008 war is more urgent today than a year and a half ago, when “European socialists” demanded this issue from the rostrum of the Parliament and through various media, because the government is actively talking about the danger of opening a second front in Georgia.

“14 years have passed, many people forget… there are too many cases on the shelf in the prosecutor’s office, and there is no control over them, they can be confiscated, and the law must be enacted. We must show an example of the rule of law, even to Europe… I repeat again – something similar to August 2008 must not be repeated. All the more so now, when government officials very often announce the danger of the second front. When there is persistent talk that Georgia should take a clear position, this is already a continuation of 2008… Let’s draw a parallel with the events of that time… Russian army is standing 150 meters from the central highway of Georgia. Can you imagine the danger we are facing? All ill-considered actions can lead to the complete loss of Georgia. We are a small country – it was 69,000 km2 and we have 43,000 km2 left. We have no retreat, we have no territories to distribute and get rid of so freely,” said Fridon Injia and called on the authorities to be extremely cautious and firm.

Fridon Injia, Rustavi-2 TV'ye Verdiği Röportajda, 2008 Savaşına İlişkin Çeşitli Görüşlere Son Vermek İçin Bu Adımın Atılacağına Meslektaşlarımı İnandırabileceğimi Düşünüyorum

The chairman of the political group “European Socialists” of the Parliament of Georgia, Fridon Injia, believes that the various opinions regarding the war of August 2008 should be put to an end, for which it is important to support the members of the Parliament in order to create a temporary investigative commission.

“I think that I will be able to convince my colleagues that this step will be taken to put an end to the different opinions that exist regarding the 2008 war.” – said Fridon Injia during an interview with “Rustavi-2” TV station.

“If we have the support of 1/3 of the members of the parliament, that is the vote of 50 deputies, then a temporary investigative commission will be created, taking into account the regulations, and there will be determined the issues that should be investigated.” – noted Fridon Injia.

Parlamento Siyasi Grubu Avrupalı Sosyalistlerin Başkanı Fridon Injia, Yüksek Yasama Organında Basın Toplantısı Yaptı.

👉 Fridon Injia takes the initiative of creating a temporary investigative commission regarding the August 2008 war.

📍 The chairman of the parliamentary political group “European Socialists” Fridon Injia held a press conference on this topic in the highest legislative body.

🔴 “Several weeks ago, an initiative was announced by public representatives regarding the investigation of the August 2008 war.

🔴This request and the need for it were repeatedly voiced by the parliamentary political group of our party from the tribune of the parliament and in the media.

🔴 The truth of what and how happened, as a result of which we lost territories, is of interest to the public and the 408 people who died in this war. We must give an answer to their families. In addition, it is necessary for our future, our history, so that there are no black spots of misunderstanding.

🔴 The war was evaluated by the Tagliavini Commission, later, the chronology of the start of the war was reflected in the resolution of the Council of Europe, which was also supported by the “National Movement”. The current president of Georgia has stated his position on the topic of war when he participated in the presidential elections.

🔴 Nevertheless, the Georgian society still does not have clear information about what actually happened in August 2008:

❓– Why did we lose 20% of the country’s territories;

❓– could this greatest loss for the country be avoided;

❓– What would our international partners advise if they pointed to Saakashvili’s government?

❓– Who and what role played in the adoption of the tripartite ceasefire agreement;

❓– By whose order and why did more than 1000 Georgian soldiers leave the Kodori valley without a fight;

❓– What value of military equipment was written off after the war and, in general, was this equipment available and where was it located;

❓– From the side of Georgia, apart from the authorized persons, who participated in making decisions and many other issues that are still discussed in the society;

🔴 We believe that each of these issues needs a thorough investigation, which we have been announcing for a long time. It is possible to start an investigation both by the prosecutor’s office and in the format of the parliamentary investigative commission. The loss or transfer of 20 percent of Georgia’s territories should not go unpunished!

🔴Accordingly, our party is starting to collect signatures on the subject of the 2008 war – with the aim of starting a prosecutor’s investigation, as well as creating a parliamentary investigative commission on this subject. We will go to all the regions to collect signatures and explain to the people what the new war can lead to, as well as the importance of the results of the 2008 war investigation.

This issue is all the more relevant today because government representatives are openly talking about the dangers of opening a second front in Georgia.

🔴 We must do everything so that what happened in August 2008 never happens again in Georgia.

🔴 We are sure that a thorough investigation of the 2008 war will make a significant contribution to the prevention of a new war.”

Fridon Injia, Parlamentonun ve Gürcü toplumunun Ağustos 2008 savaşıyla ilgili geçici bir soruşturma komisyonu oluşturma girişimini destekleyeceğinden emin.

Fridon Injia, Parlamentonun ve Gürcü toplumunun Ağustos 2008 savaşıyla ilgili geçici bir soruşturma komisyonu oluşturma girişimini destekleyeceğinden emin.

Chairman of the parliamentary political group “European Socialists” Fridon Injia answered the questions of journalists after the press conference held in the highest legislative body.

When asked whether you think the above-mentioned initiative will be supported in the Parliament, and also whether this idea will have the support of the public, Fridon Injia noted that the parliamentary political group did not hold preliminary consultations on this issue in the Parliament, however, based on the current situation today, this issue It became more relevant.

“I think this issue has become more urgent today than we announced it two or a year and a half ago. As for public support, most of the public is still not aware of what and how it happened. Because there have been various announcements over the years. And society needs information about what actually happened. We must be ready for everything and take appropriate steps so that something like this does not happen in the country, otherwise the country will be on the verge of destruction.” – said Fridon Injia.