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🔸“有趣的是,今天领导人在维尔纽斯峰会上会面,但美利坚合众国总统已经表示,在乌克兰战胜俄罗斯之前,不存在乌克兰加入北约的问题,这是不可接受的。现在让我们把它转移到格鲁吉亚......如果我们开辟第二条战线,情况也会一样......直到格鲁吉亚与乌克兰一起,或格鲁吉亚单独赢得俄罗斯,我们不会加入北约。这已经是清晰可见的,而且声明也已经明确地做出了,”国会议员 Injia 指出。




🔸 “这些天出现了 LGBT 骄傲和所有混乱......我问我的同事,如果你们愿意的话,法律草案已经准备好了,我们至少必须在今天或明天这样做,因为格鲁吉亚 98% 的人口反对这种宣传。我们并不反对性少数群体的存在,他们一直都是,将来也会如此,但对他们生活方式的推广应该受到一定程度的限制。应禁止在公共集会场所这样做,”国会议员因贾说。


📍 某个团体正试图以勇敢的人无法接受的方式逃离军队 - Fridon Injia

🔷 社会上的某些群体想尽一切办法不服兵役,其原因是该国缺乏爱国主义和民族意识形态。


🔷“社会上的某个群体正在尽一切努力避开军队,不去服役,这是过去30年政策的结果。这30年里,各国政府采取了不同的方向,但都没有一个明确的国家意识形态。每个人都只执着于自由的想法。当主要动机是自由而没有意识形态的支持时,国家就会崩溃。只有自由的呼喊才让我们到达这样的地步:我会做我想做的事,我的身体是我的,我会随心所欲地使用它……30年前,谁能想象他们会以对一个勇敢的格鲁吉亚人来说不可接受的方式试图离开军队? - 弗里登·因贾说。




📍 在格鲁吉亚,每个人都必须服兵役,无论男女 - Fridon Injia
🔶 “对于女性来说,应该有个别的方法,以防有人不能,但总体政策应该是每个人都服兵役。 “格鲁吉亚是一个小国家……军队不仅是为了战争,那里还教授对祖国的热爱、各种专业、相互依存等许多方面的知识,”国会议员弗里登·因贾说。
🔶 他敦促一些国会议员不要侮辱曾经或正在军队服役的年轻人。
这对我来说是不可接受的。按照你的说法,我们似乎会在这里看到一部奴隶法典,国防部副部长和议会议长冷静地看待它。我认为这是不对的。这是对曾经服役和正在服役的年轻人的侮辱。我们可以克制自己吗?如果我们想说些什么,就用不同的方式说”,Fridon Injia 说道。
🔶 根据《国防法典》项目,将不再实行义务兵役,而是实行“义务兵国家兵役”。随着名称的改变,兵役的条款也发生了变化。特别是,该项目不是一年服役,而是考虑了不同的条款:在战斗部队服役 - 6 个月;在保护或安全部门 - 8个月;对于初级指挥职位和预定专业——11个月。

I believe that the election code, which is in force in Georgia today, is exemplary for many democratic countries – Fridon Injia

📍 I believe that the election code, which is in force in Georgia today, is exemplary for many democratic countries – Fridon Injia

🔶 During the last 30 years, the election legislation in Georgia has improved so much that today’s current election code can be exemplary even for many democratic states.

🔶 Chairman of the political group “European Socialists” Fridon Injia announced this at the plenary session of the extraordinary session of the Parliament.

🔶 Deputies discussed the need to overcome the veto placed by President Salome Zurabishvili on the amendments to the election legislation and regulations and discussed the motivated remarks presented by the President.

🔶 “I remember the election code that was in place in Georgia in the 90s, when the Communist Party lost the elections and the national government came to the head of the country. Many things have been refined, the code has changed many times in the last 30 years, and we have come to the current code. Over the years, the Code has included and, at the same time, omitted such nuances, which allowed different political parties to invent different mechanisms for rigging the elections. I myself witnessed this when I won the election in 1999 in a majority constituency, but they called and decided that a second round would be held. In the second round, the ballots were not delivered to the district, the elections failed and were postponed for a year, although a year later I still won in absentia… We all remember how they carried the ballots with bags and guns. This was the election system in Georgia.

🔶 Today’s election code is so sophisticated that practically, none of the fraud mechanisms invented by Georgians work. On the election day, everything is fine. The only thing left for some parties is that they still manage to bully or bribe in various ways in the run-up to the elections. I say it as it is…”, said Fridon Injia.

🔶 According to him, no one could have imagined that recounting of election precincts would be possible in Georgia, but it was possible, unlike in the USA.

🔶 “Approximately, 5 years ago, someone imagined that it was possible to recalculate the indicative districts. 25-28 years have passed so that practically nothing like this has happened. It didn’t happen here, not even in the United States of America, I mean the last presidential election, despite the fact that Donald Trump’s supporters filed a complaint, but there was no recount. The law in Georgia is so sophisticated that this procedure is possible. That’s why I have a proposal for the CEC or the ruling party – it would be good if election codes by year were published in the form of a brochure, where all the changes made during this time would be collected. The code that exists now is exemplary, I think so. Such a code can exist in very few countries”, said the chairman of “European Socialists”.

🔶 “There is no such differentiation of positions in any country, as we propose that some positions be elected by the majority of votes, and some – by two-thirds or three-fifths. We elect the first person of the government with 76 votes, and there is no objection to this… How can the chairman of the CEC be elected for 6 months. I asked the question – are all the resolutions signed by the elected chairman of the CEC legitimate and legal for 6 months? They all turned out to be legit. If so, then what’s wrong with choosing for 9 months, or a year, or two and five years, and why can’t it be with those 76 votes? As we proceed with this differentiation, and individual positions are elected by 2/3, and individual supermajorities, today should be a good example of how such an approach has led to more confrontation and polarization. If it wasn’t like that, this debate wouldn’t be a waste of time,” MP Injia said.

🔶 According to him, the president’s argumentation includes the phrases “in the spirit of Charles Michel’s memorandum”, “our European future” and nothing is said about such an approach that will bring us closer and give us a lever to unify the country.

🔶 “Now what is the European future, Europe itself does not know what the future will be like. But what I know and want it to be is the unification of the country. The president has not observed such an approach. Colleagues talk about partners… I remember the period of Ceka. If Tseka made a decision, it was bound to be implemented by all district organizations. Where are we going? i.e. Our partners rule us, but if we are partners, then how is it? Have we set any rules for our partners? I don’t remember something. It’s time to get down to business. If they are in the majority, or if there is ever a coalition majority, he decides, that is the basis of democracy.

🔶 “Dream” is fully responsible for the position elected by the Parliament, it doesn’t matter if it is elected by 2/3 or 3/5. Therefore, let the “dream” be kind and respond,” said Fridon Injia.

🔶 According to him, if the correct approach was the ruling party’s MkhTherefore, there would not be the problems that were created in relation to the Public Defender, the members of the National Bank Council, the members of the Supreme Council of Justice and other issues.

🔶 “We would have saved our time, mind, nerves and energy and directed them to the issues that are needed for the unification of the country, or even to allocate 400 GEL instead of 200 GEL to children. Here, we know that our women, the mothers of families, go to work abroad, they receive somewhere around 1200 euros, and from this, about 400-500 euros remain, which they send to their families. Let’s think about it, to somehow return them to their families, to their children, and to offer them a corresponding salary of 400-500 euros, or to give them an allowance for 3-4 children, so that they can spend time raising their children in the family. This would be more acceptable for our country”, said Fridon Injia.

Fridon Injia’s speech on 30.06.2023

📍 Mr. Prime Minister,

🔶 What I am going to say before the main report, no one will tell you, but I am obliged to tell you. I survived the war in Abkhazia and I know what it was like there from the first day until October 5. What kind of betrayal were I and my colleague Gia Benashvili witnesses and what the Georgian people endured.

🔶 Yesterday, information was spread from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia that Russia will do everything to open the railway of Abkhazia.

🔶 Based on the interests of Georgia, which derives from and concerns the unification of the country, this message can be used and a direct dialogue should be started, first of all – with the Abkhazians. You have the experience and ability to manage this very delicate issue, which concerns the dignified return of Abkhazians to one big family called Georgia. I emphasize – decently, it won’t work out any other way. I know their character. Then you will be able to bring high-ranking guests visiting Georgia not to the occupation zone, but to the beautified Abkhazia. Next, hold the European Football Championship at the Sukhumi Stadium, as it is now happening in Batumi. Move the government to work in Sukhumi for two years, in Tbilisi for two years, and so on. We should establish a worthy place for the government of Sokhumi in the government of Georgia.

🔶 You will have big objections, accompanied by cursing, but here too you can use a plebiscite with the question – should the government have a direct dialogue with Abkhazians, Ossetians, Russians?

🔶 We know that the main and maximum task of the country – Mr. Prime Minister, if I borrow your words, the supreme idea and goal – restoration of territorial integrity and inviolability of borders. For this we have to use everything: including ports, railways, highways, borders. Abkhazia was and will be one of our most beautiful corners. Here, then the European Union will knock us here.

🔶 Let’s stop doing tasks that have already been done. Let’s be honest, let’s look at the case! A case which is really magnificent.

🔶 I will tell you in advance that this is not in the interests of some countries. You have to be brave for that.

🔶 Time and situation do not repeat.

🔶 Billions will appear, which will be invested in the revival of Abkhazia.

🔶 This is your historical work, which the Lord has blessed. Mr. Irakli, Irakli and Kakh!

🔶 You should make everyone understand that this is our country’s domestic matter, who will we talk to. We are approaching the day when we have a chance to correct the disaster of 2008. That’s why the Nazis and their supporters, their TV stations have been silent and should not raise their voice. In another case, indeed, they will confirm the betrayal of the country starting from 2008 until now, if not earlier.

📍 Mr. Prime Minister,

🔶 And now, what I wanted to say.

🔶 We, the party “European Socialists”, must tell you that we do not represent a party with a long history, except that our party was the first after the 2020 parliamentary elections to recognize the current parliament. We have our vision, our concept.

🔶 An important part of this concept is protecting the interests of the population, promoting the start of small and medium-sized businesses, and providing access to credit resources.

🔶 The government’s activities and commitment to the population should be based on the social equality of the population, where all strategic objects, minerals, fields, tax revenues in the country will be under the control of the state, which will be directed for the benefit of the population.

🔶 At the same time, there should be a free market, competition, private property in the country, as it is in China.

🔶 This is exactly the kind of approach supported by a large part of the population of Georgia. It is welcome that the government is already taking some steps in this direction.

🔶 Mr. Prime Minister, there are many problematic issues, the solution of which, if you are not prevented from doing so, you are free to do so.

🔶 If necessary, boldly hold a plebiscite in order to enforce the will of the people and have more support from the population.

🔶 1. Create a state bank on the example of Norway, China and Turkey. I have talked about this many times. Then the population will be able to take credit at a maximum of 5-6% instead of 15-16% and there will be no monopoly of banks and the population of the country
in bank accounts. And the excess profits that monopolistic banks receive will be used for the well-being of the population. Today it is one billion GEL.

🔶 This will be a historic and unprecedented decision in the last 30 years. Interest rates will be similar to those in America, leading European countries, and Japan, where it is symbolic. I can imagine what an economic boom there will be in Georgia.

🔶 2. When the state buys back or takes back the objects of strategic importance, which in many cases were sold at the price of straw, then you will not have strikes on strategic objects. The reason!.. The desire of the owners of these strategic objects to make a profit.

When you are in the sea country, redeemed

If you get back at least one seaport, I emphasize the word you will get back, because in many cases the alienations and gifts were made in violation of the law, as a result, you will be able to speak with the countries that use our ports as an authorized person.

🔶 We welcome your decisions on the construction of the Anaklia port and the new airport, where the state will have a controlling package of 51%. However, it could have been done earlier in those 11 years.

🔶 For information, the last port was sold for 60 million dollars. Practically, at the cost of a few days of port revenue.

📍 Mr. Prime Minister,

🔶 The main challenge and main task of the country remains:

🔶 Unification of the country – what was important about this matter, I have already told you at the beginning;

🔴 maintaining peace in the country;

🔴 return of refugees and immigrants to Georgia, inclusion of their intellectual and financial potential in Georgian affairs;

🔶 Today, the fight is going on against the Georgian people, against the country, so that the state does not unify, develop, the incomes in the country do not increase and in this way replace the government, and then take away our credits and in this way suffocate the country in financial obligations. Our so-called well-wishers, under the dictates and guidance of the expired American ambassador, are fighting with drawn swords, opposing all possible attempts to start a direct dialogue with the Abkhazians, with Russia. They are not fighting against Russian tourists, but against our people so that they do not have income. They can’t interfere with you in any other way, and in this way they want to change the government by upsetting the people.
Radical political groups and NGOs have crossed the line so much that with all their speeches, they throw ashes in the eyes of the population. All economic and other achievements of the country are baptized as Russianness instead of pseudo-European values.

🔶 They have been doing this for years and it continues today even more furiously. Anyway, I want to remind you briefly:

🔶 1. Charles Michel’s anti-constitutional memorandum;

🔶 2. Two shameful resolutions of the European Parliament, which were a classic example of a double standard. This resolution was accepted by the majority, however, among them there are MEPs who are not affected by it. For example, such as the left-wing socialists Mr. Mick Wallace and Ms. Claire Daly.

🔶 3. On the instructions of European and American officials, the President of Georgia did everything to present his anti-Georgian report to the European Parliament.

🔶 It was the representative of this group, Mr. Mick Wallace, who gave an immediate, adequate response to President Zurabishvili’s anti-Georgian speech in Brussels. He reminded some corrupt parliamentarians that they sold their conscience, honor and European values, as Saakashvili sold his homeland, and moreover, knowingly protect a criminal exposed for torturing people and unjustly punishing his fellow citizens.
It is with this political team in the European Parliament that we – the party – “European Socialists” have a long-term political cooperation agreement – a memorandum that was signed these days.

🔶 4. America and Europe, based on their own interests, with their provocative actions, whether it was the NATO Bucharest Summit or the unprecedented arming of Ukraine, at the same time enabled Ukraine to ignore the expected threats from Russia, which made the situation in the world extremely tense.

🔶 Today, if we had not taken into account the results of the 2008 war and followed the American-European adventure, 20% of the occupied territory of Georgia would have become at least 40%, if not more. This would be equivalent to the disappearance of Georgia.

🔶 Georgians love to be first, in a number of directions, as you mentioned today, but at the same time we have to confirm that historically we have always been the first in the region, and I think that even in the case of joining the European Union, which I do not have much hope for, we would be the first there as well.

🔶 You will ask why we will not be accepted and what is the reason for this?

🔶 I’m not talking about not getting the status, or about those 12 homework assignments. Status has nothing to do with it, status is needed as a management tool.
We are a special people and country, this is Georgia. And how are we different from other countries in the world?

🔴 with our history;

🔴 We resisted all invaders with our vitality;

🔴 We have the institution of the family and special kinship ties, where there are mother and father, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles, godfathers and godfathers, loving relationships that we pass on from generation to generation;

🔴 Our people are gifted with a special talent of love and friendship;

🔴 We have faith, we have a patriarch, His Holiness Ilia II;

🔴 We know incomparably, in some cases, to our detriment, hospitality;

🔴 Our people have great potential, both in science and art, in sports, in chess (I would separate chess), in poetry, in military art;

🔴 We are the homeland – of grapes, wheat, honey, metallurgy, medicine, this is our

Ni is the find of the ancestors;

🔴 We are a nation with a unique script and Georgian language in the world, which is enriched by Maghrian and Svan languages;

🔴 We have “Georgian” dance, where great philosophy, knowledge, love, respect, purity, life and immortality of the Georgian nation are embedded; (Lado Kakhadze)

🔶 All this is opposed to the ultra-liberal and predatory concept of the European Union and America. They don’t need you, a proud nation.

🔶 They, the pseudo-liberal forces, want a nation with no name, no history, no traditions. A nation that doesn’t have its faith, pride, doesn’t have its vision, but at the same time, they want the territory of Georgia, and then settle here people freed from these qualities. People who would welcome same-sex marriage with one hand and promote this type of lifestyle. Or they may oblige us to bring a culture that is not traditional here, or does not thrive, and they tell us about our venerable vine – Italy, Spain, or any other country would do it better! As happened in some Eastern European countries when they joined the European Union.

🔶 They fight us, how?

🔶 1. Starting from school, by taking young people with great potential from Georgia. This drains our intellectual property and weakens the country. The education system was disrupted and we switched to teaching skills. Now, with the arrival of the new minister, a spark of hope appeared.

🔶 – Because our faith, love of God prevents them from enslaving the nation and the country. They fight against our faith, the patriarch. For years, hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent fighting the patriarchy and damaging its image.

🔶 2. There is great resistance in the country for the emigrants to return. Pseudo liberals hiding in various state institutions are against it. All kinds of arguments are given for this, but they did not return to Georgia. These are mainly the countries of the former USSR and Iran. The first-order arguments are given – the country’s security, while emptying the country of the indigenous population does not seem to represent security for them, the second – or lack of knowledge of the language.

🔶 Now the government has introduced a draft law, which is a step forward, but not enough.

🔶 One of the opponents of the solution to this problem is the President of Georgia, as everything positive.

🔶 The draft law “On citizenship” prepared by us in the parliament is delayed due to the same reasons.

🔶 Why should we be accepted in the European Union?
If the European Commissioners lead with a cold mind and not the way they made political decisions towards us, and they want good for Europe, they must accept us.

🔴 We are the key to Transcaucasia.

🔴 Historically and geopolitically, Georgia is one of the key countries in the region, with its potential it represents the middle corridor connecting Europe and Asia. Behold, your Silk Road.

🔴 Georgia and Georgians have always been the founders of indigenous European civilization. Georgia has been and is a tolerant country for centuries, which cannot be said about Europe. Therefore, Europe can learn a lot from Georgia. This will make Europe richer.

🔴 Georgia has many traditions, which it would be desirable and acceptable to share with the European Union.

🔶 We are like that, let them decide.
I am sure that Georgia will shine in any situation. Georgia has seen great empires, unions, successful countries and has also seen how they disintegrated and disappeared from the pages of history.

🔶 Georgia first of all!
We wish you victory in principled and unrelenting struggle to protect the interests of Georgia! Good luck to you, Mr. Prime Minister, and Georgia with you.

🔶 Based on the controversy going on in the hall today, it should be said that people with fascist rhetoric appeared in Georgia, as it was in fascist Germany, when Jews and people of many other nationalities were considered unacceptable. You are a Jew, you are a Russian, you are a negro..!

🔶 Please stand on the guard of tolerance historically existing in Georgia, so that similar rhetoric is not heard in our country.

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