Kategori Arşivleri: Haberler

Sana Ne Oldu, Kimin Görevini Yapıyorsun, Senin Neyin Var - Fridon Injia'nın TV-First'in Kurucusu Chuta'ya Çağrısı

Sana ne oldu, kimin görevini yapıyorsun, neyin var? - Fridon Injia'nın "TV-First" kurucusu Chuta'ya yaptığı çağrı.

Kimin görevini yapıyorsun? Sizin derdiniz ne?... Parlamentodaki "Avrupalı Sosyalistler" siyasi grubu başkanı Fridon Injia'nın "Önce TV"nin kurucusu Chuta'ya (Avtandil Tsereteli) hitaben söylediği şey buydu. 4 Mart'ta "Önce TV", "Nodar Meladze Cumartesi". Milletvekiline dair bilgilerin yanlış bir yorumla yayıldığı yer.

"Şimdi "Önce TV"nin kurucusu Chuta'ya, çok iyi tanıdığım eşi Nana'ya seslenmek istiyorum. Beraber tatil yaptığımız zamanlar oldu.

Aynı zamanda, Chuta'nın 2008 savaşına herhangi bir katkı sağlamadığını da biliyorum. Aksine karşı olduklarını düşünüyorum... Ne oldu sana, kimin görevini yapıyorsun? neyin var senin... Gürcü bir adamı yavaşlatan başka bir şey mi var?! ... Çok üzgünüm..." - dedi Fridon Injia.

Fridon Injia'nın Ağustos 2008 savaşındaki olaylarla ilgili geçici bir meclis soruşturma komisyonu kurulmasına ilişkin açıklamasını, çok sayıda televizyon haberi ve radikal muhalefet ve bağlantılı medya kuruluşlarından gelen haberler izledi ve burada başkana karşı çok sayıda iftira niteliğinde açıklama yapıldı. siyasi grubun ve yanlış yorumlarla bilgiler yayıldı.

Fridon Injia – Hainler Kimdi, Eylemleri Sonucu Gürcistan Ülke Topraklarının 20%'sini Kaybetti.

Who were the traitors, as a result of whose actions Georgia lost 20% of the country’s territory.

You will have to answer these questions, and the questions will be very painful.

I confirm to you that each of my steps was always taken based on the interests of Georgia, both before and now, and I will do the same in the future – Fridon Injia.

At the plenary session of the Parliament of Georgia, the chairman of the political group “European Socialists” Fridon Injia, during his speech in the format of “political debate”, drew attention to the importance of creating a temporary parliamentary investigative commission regarding the events of the August 2008 war, and noted that the purpose of creating the commission is to let the public know if What actually happened, could Georgia not have lost 20% of the country’s territory.

“After we initiated the initiative to create an investigative commission, which was related to the investigation of the results of the war of August 2008, which caused the loss of 20% territories of Georgia and our indigenous territory was transferred and reformed by the Reseti Federation, this initiative was not liked by the “Nat. “Movement” guides. By healing the part of the “National Movement” that committed this treacherous act in front of Georgia.

They immediately remembered my property and income declaration, which I have been filling out with my own hands for the third year, where everything is described correctly and in accordance with the law, including bank accounts and money movement.

It’s nothing, I’m used to it… The same group, even 30 years ago, used the same methods against me, but what did they get?! … This is the group that committed these treacherous actions, which is called selling the land of Georgia.

I confirm that each of my steps was always taken based on the interests of Georgia, both before and now, and I will do so in the future.

As for the purpose of the commission, the only purpose of creating the commission is to let the public know what happened, whether it was possible for us not to lose the 20% of the territory of Georgia.

Only 5% of the “National Movement” parliamentary faction and its satellites took part in this treacherous war.

I was a participant of the war of 2008, as well as a participant of the Patriotic War of 1993, I was in flames, in the full meaning of this word. At that time, the representatives of the “National Movement” and its satellites were confusing orders in front of the parliament for participating in treason. Now here, they ask us about morality shamelessly.

You accused Georgian soldiers of committing war crimes and you will sign that resolution in Strasbourg… your children, brothers, brave Georgian warriors… at what price did you sell Georgian land, in what order did you do it. Who were those treacherous people? … You will have to answer these questions, and the questions will be very painful.

Unfortunately, those other 99% members of your movement have been misled. which they will soon be convinced of.” – said Fridon Injia.

Tüm Kanunlar Devlet Menfaatlerine Göre Kabul Edilmelidir - Fridon injia

Gürcistan Parlamentosu'nun “Avrupalı Sosyalistler” siyasi grubu başkanı Fridon Injia, Parlamento'nun hukuk komisyonu oturumunda “Halkın İktidarı” tarafından başlatılan kanun tekliflerine değinerek ana özünden bahsetti.

"Arkadaşlar, ben bir kez daha meclise sunulan ilk taslağın yarı kanun olduğuna ikna oldum ve ilk taslağın neden yarı kanun olduğunu düşündüğümü açıklamak istiyorum.

Öncelikle şeffaflığa dikkat çekmek istiyorum. Neden şeffaflık istiyoruz?

Sivil toplum sektörünün Avrupa, Asya veya Amerika Birleşik Devletleri tarafından finanse edildiğini öğrendik.

İlk taslağa göre örgütün faaliyetlerinde şeffaflığa dikkat çekiliyor ama devletin çıkarları burada nerede?!

Şeffaflık anlaşılır bir şeydir, ancak bir sonuca yol açmalı, devletin çıkarları dikkate alınmalı veya devletin zararlı eylemlerinin önlenmesi konusu belirlenmelidir.

Onun için bu kanun taslağı yarı kanundur ve devam ettirilmesi gerekmektedir.

Hükümetin istifasını isteyen bir sivil toplum kuruluşu kurulur. Teknik bir hükümet oluşturun. Burada birkaç sorun var.

Sivil toplum kuruluşları, siyasi partiler gibi siyasi yapılar oluşturmuştur.

Bütün kanunlar devlet çıkarlarına göre çıkarılmalıdır.

Ajan terimiyle ilgili olarak Fridon Injia, bu terimin dünyada ve aralarında, Gürcistan'da ve çeşitli yapılarda yerleşik olduğunu ve milletvekilinin bunda bir sakınca görmediğini kaydetti.

Ayrıca, siyasi grubun başkanı böyle bir statüden daha fazla gurur duyabileceklerini düşünürken, ajan terimini olumsuz bir bağlamda algılayanların faaliyetleri, korktukları ağır faillik biçimidir.

Milletvekiline göre, son günlerde yaşanan siyasi olaylardan yola çıkarak pek çok "ilginç" şey ortaya çıktı ve buna dikkat edilmesi gerekiyor.

TBMM Hukuk İşleri Komisyonu toplantısında, ilk okumada "Halkın Gücü" tarafından başlatılan iki farklı yasa tasarısı görüşüldü.

Yani, ilk okumada "Yabancı Ajanların Kaydı Üzerine" ve "Gürcistan Ceza Kanununda Değişiklikler Üzerine" ve yine ilk okumada "Yabancı Nüfuzun Şeffaflığına Dair" yasa tasarısı.

Fridon Injia - Bugün Gürcistan'da Bu Yasanın Daha Katı Olması Gerektiğine İnanıyorum

Chairman of the political group “European Socialists” of the Parliament of Georgia, Fridon Injia, at the meeting of the Committee on Legal Affairs, where the draft laws initiated by “People’s Power” were discussed, asked questions to the rapporteur of the project, MP Guram Macharashvili.

Two different draft laws initiated by “People’s Power” were discussed in the first reading at the session of the Legal Affairs Committee of the Parliament. In particular: “On Registration of Foreign Agents” and “On Amendments to the Criminal Code of Georgia” in the first reading and the draft law “On Transparency of Foreign Influence”, also in the first reading.

“Two draft laws have been introduced, one is the so-called Russian law, which is very liberal, does not give anything and is a half-law, and I agree with the statement of my colleagues – “No Russian law!

I think that this law should be stricter in Georgia today.

As for the United States of America, such a big country as the United States of America, with its Central Intelligence Service and Central Bureau of Investigation and systems, it has adopted this law since 1938, and this law is working.

This law operates based on the interests of the country, the United States of America.

We are a small country, maybe our country does not need such a law, if it is needed in order to increase the degree of independence.

Today we are talking about the Constitution and Article 78 of the Constitution, what do you think about the record of the country’s integration into European structures, is this integration or not, if we adopt European or American law?! Or will we adopt a law whose content and spirit will be European or American?!” Fridon Injia said at the session.

Lahey ve Strasbourg Mahkemelerinin Kararlarını İncelemeyi Düşünmüyoruz. Aldıkları Kararlar Sonucunda Gürcü Askerlerin Suç İşlemedikleri Tespit Edildi

📌 We do not intend to review the decisions of the Hague and Strasbourg courts. As a result of the resolutions adopted by them, it was determined that the Georgian soldiers did not commit a crime;

📌The purpose of creating a temporary investigative commission is to establish the truth:

📌Why the August 2008 war between Russia and Georgia happened;

📌Could we have avoided this great disaster for the country, and Georgia would not have lost 20% of territories;

📌Truth must be one;

📌The creation of the commission is important for the history of the country, for the people, for the society, which must know the truth. Also, it is necessary for the government itself to never carry out similar actions;

📍 These and other important questions were answered by the chairman of the parliamentary political group “European Socialists” Fridon Injia on “Season TV” during his live participation in the program “Summary of the Day”.

📍 Fridon Injia believes that the “National Movement” itself needs to know the truth about the events of the August 2008 war.

📍“Knowing the truth is important even for the youth of the “National Movement” who did not participate in these vicissitudes, and they should know how the predecessors of their party acted.

📍 All the charges brought against Saakashvili today are insignificant compared to the action, as a result of which Georgia lost 20% of the country’s territories.

📍 The population should be informed and an answer should be given to the main question, who was to blame for the fact that the state lost 20% of the country’s territory. This is the most important question.

📍 Fridon Injia believes that Saakashvili would not have taken a step without an agreement with the United States of America, and that not only America, but also Russia participated in this process.

📍“The President of Georgia would not take a step without an agreement with the United States of America. There is another side, maybe everything was agreed with Russia and Saakashvili was preparing a package for Russia, in the form of Kodori Gorge or Akhalgori. In this process, the then government of Georgia had its own private interest.” – noted Fridon Injia.

📍To the journalist’s question, how appropriate it is when ambassadors accredited to Georgia directly interfere in the activities of the country’s legislative body and indicate which law should be adopted by the parliament, the chairman of the political group said that this is pressure from the diplomatic corps.

📍“This is pressure from the diplomatic corps in Georgia on the deputies elected by the people. Members of Parliament are elected by the people, and Parliament is accountable to the people, not to international organizations.

📍 Interference in the internal affairs of Georgia is a problem of our government. I think difficulties will be overcome consistently. The main thing is to maintain peace and not to take steps to destabilize the region.” – said Fridon Injia.