Archives mensuelles : AMmars

La raison de mon briefing était les déclarations des dirigeants de la majorité parlementaire et du parti du rêve géorgien ces derniers jours concernant la guerre de 2008, bien qu'il soit clair que les dirigeants du rêve géorgien et du pouvoir populaire ne peuvent toujours pas dire ouvertement la vérité. Ce que tout le monde en Géorgie sait mais personne n'ose le dire publiquement.

📍 The reason for my briefing was the statements of the parliamentary majority and the leaders of the “Georgian Dream” party regarding the 2008 war. However, it is obvious that the leaders of “Georgian Dream” and “People’s Power” still cannot openly say the truth that everyone in Georgia knows, but no one dares to say publicly.

📍 Added to this were two draft laws introduced by “People’s Power”. It is not clear that there are two completely different laws on the same issue import This is a subject of separate discussion.

📍 I would like to remind everyone that Saakashvili’s regime started thoroughly preparing for the 2008 war in 2007, if not earlier;

❗️ Nationalists named the Kodori valley Upper Abkhazia;

❗️ Before the start of the war in 2008, all strategic facilities were alienated at the price of straw. However, buyers paid a lot of money for their purchase.

❗️ The borders of the South Ossetian Autonomous District were restored;

❗️ The start of the war was preceded by provocative shootings, after which Saakashvili announced the restoration of constitutional order to the commander of the Georgian peacekeeping battalion through the TV channels controlled by him.

❗️ The logical culmination of all this was the artillery bombardment of Tskhinvali on the night of August 7, 2008 by order of Saakashvili, thus starting the Russia-Georgia war.

🔴 Let us remind you that in the same year, the Nationalists signed the European Council resolution, by which they recognized the start of the war by Saakashvili. And as a result, the occupation of our two historical regions was signed by Russia.

🔴 After the authorities won the cases in the courts of Strasbourg and The Hague, there is no reason to remain silent on the subject. The question arises – why are they silent, it is not clear.

🔴 More than half a month has passed since the announcements made by us regarding the creation of the investigative commission, but the majority has not even considered, nor has it discussed this issue. Only people’s power, in the form of society, expressed a positive attitude towards this issue.

🔴 It is not clear why we should and are covering the Saakashvili regime for its main crime, which it committed against the Georgian state and Georgian people. I am not interested in any of those 4 cases, the most important thing for me is the loss of Georgian territories, and nothing is being done in this direction. And the 4 cases in which a part has been completed and sentenced, it turns out that Saakashvili’s main crime is covered by this.

🔴 We all know that Saakashvili agreed with the Americans on all his steps and without them he could not have planned and implemented any of the actions mentioned above. This can be said especially after Bush’s visit to Georgia in 2005.

🔴 The Americans knew very well that Saakashvili’s bombing of Tskhinvali would be followed by Russia’s response, which would eventually bring a serious confrontation between Russia and Europe. The 2008 war first created a rift between Europe and Russia, as it continues now due to the Ukraine war. America then destroyed us and now all of Europe and Ukraine.

🔴 Also, it is known that John McCain was personally interested in the start of the war, who built his 2008 presidential campaign on the topic of the Russia-Georgia war.

🔴 As a result of this Euro-Atlantic conspiracy, our two historical corners – Abkhazia and Samachablo were destroyed, hundreds of Georgian soldiers and civilians were killed, and 30 thousand people became displaced in their homeland.

🔴 What Saakashvili and his foreign patrons did in 2007-2008 is nothing but treason. Against this background, it is not surprising why the Saakashvili regime removed the articles of treason and conspiracy against the state from the Criminal Code in 2007. It is quite clear that they insured future crimes against the country. Moreover, Saakashvili deliberately left his Georgian citizenship, which was not necessary due to the practice of Ukraine at that time.

🔴 We will continue to collect signatures so that the prosecutor’s office investigates the crimes committed by the Saakashvili regime in connection with the 2008 war, and the appropriate investigative commission is created in the parliament. People who are still trying to involve Georgia in the war, the worst crime of 2008, should not be chosen under any circumstances.

Si la plus haute instance législative du pays n'accepte pas le modèle américain du projet de loi concernant les activités des organisations non gouvernementales, c'est-à-dire que nous ne serons pas dignes d'être des parlementaires et d'être des représentants du peuple dont nous devons protéger les intérêts .

📍 If the highest legislative body of the country does not accept the American model of the draft law regarding the activities of non-governmental organizations, that is, we will not be worthy to be parliamentarians and to be representatives of the people whose interests we must protect.

📍 This is the law that our society really needs, which establishes the principle of the rule of law and emphasizes that non-governmental organizations that protect human rights They should not hope to change the government of the country, there are sad examples of this in recent history.

📍 Non-governmental organizations that spent 200 million in just one year, are their activities based on the interests of Georgia as a country and state?

🔶 The chairman of the political group “European Socialists” of the Parliament, Fridon Injia, announced this at the session of the Bureau of the Parliament, where “People’s Power” registered the draft law “On Registration of Foreign Agents”.

🔶 “The first version of the draft law, which was presented by “People’s Power”, was a half-law, and it became unacceptable to me, because it was a liberal law and did not give anything to the country. Our society does not need such a law.

🔶 As for the second version of the draft law, which is similar to the law of the United States of America, it can be said that every point of this draft is important. This is the law that our society really needs. This establishes the principle of the rule of law and emphasizes that non-governmental organizations protecting human rights should not hope to change the government of the country.

🔶 Last year alone, non-governmental organizations operating in Sakatvelo received 200 million. 88 million of them from the United States of America, and the rest from other countries.

🔶 It is important to know what these funds are used for and does it serve the interests of the country? Therefore, it is necessary to accept the American model of the draft law, and if we do not accept it, that is, we will not be worthy to be parliamentarians and to be representatives of the people in Georgia, whose interests we must protect”. – said Fridon Injia.

🔶 The chairman of the political group believes that, based on the reality of Georgia, the law should be even stricter, because Georgia is still at the beginning, on the road to development, and America has 200 years of experience in this direction.

🔶 “If we want the law to become law, it is the American version of the law that is acceptable, not the first version, a half-dead project. I already stated on June 23, 2022 that the activities of non-governmental organizations should be included in the framework of the law, because they have a structure like a political party and are financed from a foreign country; They have political groups that go on a rampage, make statements as political parties. As political parties, they demand the appointment or dismissal of various officials from the government. That is, they interfere in the political life of the country, both in domestic and foreign policy. That’s as far as we go. Therefore, it is important that this law is adopted, otherwise this situation will continue in the future.” – noted Fridon Injia.

🔶 The MP negatively evaluated the action held by the representatives of the online media in front of the Bureau’s meeting hall in the Parliament building, where the representatives of the online media protested the draft laws on “registration of foreign agents” and “transparency of foreign influence”.

🔶 According to the deputy, the responsibility for this fact belongs to the Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia, because it is not allowed to hold similar protests in the building of the legislative body.

🔶 “What will the work of the parliament look like if all political groups bring their supporters to the parliament and in this way protest against certain issues. This kind of thing is unacceptable and strict measures from the leadership of the parliament are definitely acceptable,” said Fridon Injia.

(Original) Le vice-président du Parlement Avtandil Enukidze demande aux autorités de répondre aux informations sur la création d'une organisation fasciste en Géorgie

Вице-спикер Парламента Грузии Автандил Енукидзе на заседании бюро Парламента призвал власти страны принять меры против фашистской организаций в Грузии.

«После Нюрнбергского процесса подобный масштабный форум не проводился, который в свое время осудил фашистские организации и их существование во всем мире. Не знаю, смотрите вы или нет, но в соцсетях активно распространяется информация о том, что некто, по имени Георгий Челидзе уже создал фашистскую организацию и объявил о начале действий в разных городах страны. В мире запрещена подобная идеология. Кого ждете, или что-то должно произойти? Не исключено, что эта организация будет использована во время выборов.

Призываю вас, обратить на это внимание. Примите меры! Будь я у власти, я бы принял меры, вплоть до запрета и ареста. Это же всемирная резолюция, запрещающая фашизм, ее же не приняли только русские, чтобы моя позиция не посчиталась в качестве нарратива. Резолюцию поддержали американцы, французы, англичане и др. Почему мы на это не реагируем?», — заявил Автандил Енукидзе.

Nous n'avons pas l'intention de revoir les décisions des tribunaux de La Haye et de Strasbourg. À la suite des résolutions qu'ils ont adoptées, il a été déterminé que les soldats géorgiens n'avaient commis aucun crime

📌 Nous n'avons pas l'intention de revoir les décisions des tribunaux de La Haye et de Strasbourg. À la suite des résolutions adoptées par eux, il a été déterminé que les soldats géorgiens n'avaient pas commis de crime;

📌La création d'une commission d'enquête temporaire a pour but d'établir la vérité :

📌Pourquoi la guerre d'août 2008 entre la Russie et la Géorgie s'est-elle produite ?

📌Aurions-nous pu éviter ce grand désastre pour le pays, et la Géorgie n'aurait pas perdu 20% de territoires ;

📌La vérité doit être une;

📌La création de la commission est importante pour l'histoire du pays, pour le peuple, pour la société, qui doit connaître la vérité. Aussi, il est nécessaire que le gouvernement lui-même ne mène jamais des actions similaires ;

📍 Ces questions et d'autres importantes ont été répondues par le président du groupe politique parlementaire "Socialistes européens" Fridon Injia sur "Season TV" lors de sa participation en direct à l'émission "Résumé du jour".

📍 Fridon Injia estime que le "Mouvement national" lui-même doit connaître la vérité sur les événements de la guerre d'août 2008.

📍"Savoir la vérité est important même pour les jeunes du "Mouvement national" qui n'ont pas participé à ces vicissitudes, et ils devraient savoir comment ont agi les prédécesseurs de leur parti.

📍 Toutes les accusations portées contre Saakashvili aujourd'hui sont insignifiantes par rapport à l'action, à la suite de laquelle la Géorgie a perdu 20% des territoires du pays.

📍 La population doit être informée et une réponse doit être donnée à la question principale, qui est responsable du fait que l'État a perdu 20% du territoire du pays. C'est la question la plus importante.

📍 Fridon Injia estime que Saakashvili n'aurait pas fait un pas sans un accord avec les États-Unis d'Amérique, et que non seulement l'Amérique, mais aussi la Russie ont participé à ce processus.

📍"Le président géorgien ne ferait pas un pas sans un accord avec les États-Unis d'Amérique. Il y a un autre côté, peut-être que tout était convenu avec la Russie et Saakashvili préparait un paquet pour la Russie, sous la forme de Kodori Gorge ou Akhalgori. Dans ce processus, le gouvernement géorgien de l'époque avait son propre intérêt personnel." - a noté Fridon Injia.

📍A la question du journaliste, à quel point il est approprié que des ambassadeurs accrédités en Géorgie s'immiscent directement dans les activités de l'organe législatif du pays et indiquent quelle loi doit être adoptée par le parlement, le président du groupe politique a déclaré qu'il s'agissait d'une pression du corps diplomatique .

📍"C'est une pression du corps diplomatique en Géorgie sur les députés élus par le peuple. Les députés sont élus par le peuple, et le Parlement est responsable devant le peuple, et non devant les organisations internationales.

📍 L'ingérence dans les affaires intérieures de la Géorgie est un problème de notre gouvernement. Je pense que les difficultés seront surmontées de manière cohérente. L'essentiel est de maintenir la paix et de ne pas prendre des mesures pour déstabiliser la région." - dit Fridon Injia.