Monthly Archives: July 2023

(Original) Actions of the West against Georgia aimed at changing the power of the "Georgian Dream" - Indzhiya


The head of the parliamentary political group "European Socialists" Fridon Indzhiya believes that the actions of the West in relation to Georgia are aimed at changing the power in the country.

🔹 He stated this at the meeting of the Committee on Legal Affairs, at which the amendments to the law "On General Courts" were discussed in the second reading, which is one of the 12 recommendations of the European Commission.

🔹 "The actions of the West in relation to Georgia are part of the system, the goal of which is the formation of a managed government in the country. The status of a candidate in the EU and 12 recommendations have been devised for the change of the current government", - said Fridon Indzhiya and called on the parliamentary majority to take responsibility for all important processes that are within the competence and prerogative of the legislative power.

🔹 "From the beginning to the end, the responsibility will always lie on you, as on the ruling political force. The decision of the parliamentary majority on the election of members of the Supreme Council of Justice was important. Also, the decision on the procedure for electing the chairman and members of the Central Committee was timely, but the opposition deputies who supported these changes will not bear such responsibility as you. "Collective responsibility lies on you," said Indzhiya, addressing the ruling majority and emphasizing the importance of the rule of law in the country.

The deputy believes that the Parliament should adopt the law "On public courts" not to fulfill the 12 recommendations of the European Commission, but to benefit the country and future generations.

🔹Fridon Indzhiya emphasized once again that the decision of the European Commission to deny Georgia the status of a candidate was an exclusively political decision, despite the fact that the country was ahead of Ukraine and Moldova in all parameters.

🔹 He drew a parallel with the period of President Saakashvili's rule and noted that at that time, it was practically impossible to express a critical opinion, especially publicly and openly, and the government of "Georgian Dream" managed to do it.

"But there is another side to everything, the government should show more principles in relation to key and important issues for the country," the deputy added.

In the Parliament, the chairman of "European Socialists" spoke about the "cost" of Georgia's NATO membership and the limitation of LGBT propaganda.

📍 In the Parliament, the chairman of "European Socialists" spoke about the "cost" of Georgia's NATO membership and the limitation of LGBT propaganda.

🔴 Before we make Georgia's NATO membership more active, the government should think carefully about whether it is worth the country's permanent loss of Abkhazia and Samachaba and the physical destruction of the country, as is happening in Ukraine...

🔴 The law on limiting LGBT propaganda is still acceptable today or tomorrow. The bill is ready, I ask my colleagues for their support...

🔸Fridon Injia, the chairman of the parliamentary political group "European Socialists", spoke about these issues at the plenary session of the extraordinary session.
The deputy drew a parallel between Georgia and Ukraine on the way to NATO. According to him, before the start of the summit of the North Atlantic Alliance in Vilnius, for which Ukraine has high expectations, the US president said in advance that Ukraine cannot become a member of NATO as long as the war is going on.

🔸 "The interesting thing is that today the leaders are meeting at the summit in Vilnius, but the President of the United States of America has already said that until Ukraine wins over Russia, there is no question of Ukraine's admission to NATO, and this is unacceptable. Now let's transfer it to Georgia... If we had opened a second front, it would have been the same... Until Georgia together with Ukraine, or Georgia alone, won over Russia, we would not join NATO. This is already clearly visible and the statement was made clearly," MP Injia noted.

🔸 The chairman of "European Socialists" drew attention to the price that Ukraine is paying today, in the form of soldiers, victims of the civilian population, as well as the destruction of cities and villages.

🔸 "We all see what the rhetoric on NATO and the arming by the USA has brought to Ukraine. Was it all worth it at the cost of destroying such a large number of people and soldiers on both sides? We have historical indigenous corners where Georgia's jurisdiction does not extend, and this painful issue is not resolved today. If it were not for the Bucharest Summit and the great friendship with the USA, our 20% would not have been lost. Therefore, before we start and activate the issue of NATO, we should think carefully, it is worth the eternal loss of our indigenous corners and the destruction of the country, as is happening today in Ukraine, where entire cities and villages are being destroyed. 20% of Ukraine is destroyed and not under their jurisdiction. Imagine if the same amount was added to our 20% and destroyed, that is, if 40% was not under Georgia's jurisdiction, would Georgia exist at all? Do you think about it or not? Is this in the interests of our country?" Injia said.

🔸The deputy also touched on the issue of the week of sexual minorities and said that the relevant draft law is ready, which includes the prohibition of LGBT propaganda and demonstration of sexual affiliation in public gathering places, and which Fridon Injia called on his colleagues to support.

🔸 "These days there was LGBT Pride and all the chaos... I ask my colleagues, if you will, the draft law is ready, and we will have to do it today or tomorrow at least because 98% of the population of Georgia is against this propaganda. We are not against the existence of a sexual minority, they have always been and will be, but the promotion of their lifestyle should be somewhat limited. It should be prohibited in places of public gathering," MP Injia said.

In the Parliament, the chairman of "European Socialists" spoke about the "cost" of Georgia's NATO membership and the limitation of LGBT propaganda.

📍 In the Parliament, the chairman of "European Socialists" spoke about the "cost" of Georgia's NATO membership and the limitation of LGBT propaganda.

🔴 Before we make Georgia's NATO membership more active, the government should think carefully about whether it is worth it for the country to lose Abkhazia and Samachablo forever and to physically destroy the country, as is happening in Ukraine...

🔴 The law on limiting LGBT propaganda is still acceptable today or tomorrow. The bill is ready, I ask my colleagues for their support...

🔸Fridon Injia, the chairman of the parliamentary political group "European Socialists", spoke about these issues at the plenary session of the extraordinary session.
The deputy drew a parallel between Georgia and Ukraine on the way to NATO. According to him, before the start of the summit of the North Atlantic Alliance in Vilnius, which Ukraine has high expectations for, the US president said in advance that Ukraine cannot become a member of NATO as long as the war is going on.

🔸 "The interesting thing is that today the leaders are meeting at the summit in Vilnius, but the President of the United States of America has already said that until Ukraine wins over Russia, there is no question of Ukraine's admission to NATO, and this is unacceptable. Now let's transfer it to Georgia... If we had opened the second front, it would have been the same... Until Georgia together with Ukraine, or Georgia alone, won over Russia, we would not join NATO. This is already clearly visible and the statement was made clearly," MP Injia noted.

🔸 The chairman of "European Socialists" drew attention to the price that Ukraine is paying today, in the form of soldiers, victims of the civilian population, as well as the destruction of cities and villages.

🔸 "We all see what the rhetoric on NATO and the arming by the USA has brought to Ukraine. Was it all worth it at the cost of destroying such a large number of people and soldiers on both sides? We have historical indigenous corners where Georgia's jurisdiction does not extend, and this painful issue is not resolved today. If it were not for the Bucharest Summit and the great friendship with the USA, our 20% would not have been lost. Therefore, before we start and activate the issue of NATO, we should think carefully, it is worth the eternal loss of our indigenous corners and the destruction of the country, as is happening today in Ukraine, where entire cities and villages are being destroyed. Ukraine's 20% is destroyed and out of their jurisdiction. Imagine if as much was added to our 20% and destroyed, that is, if 40% was not under the jurisdiction of Georgia, would Georgia exist at all? Do you think about it or not? Is this in the interests of our country?" Injia noted.

🔸The deputy also touched on the issue of the week of sexual minorities and said that the relevant draft law is ready, which includes the prohibition of LGBT propaganda and demonstration of sexual affiliation in public gathering places, and which Fridon Injia called on his colleagues to support.

🔸 "These days there was LGBT Pride and all the chaos... I ask my colleagues, if you will, the draft law is ready, and we will have to do it today or tomorrow at least because 98% of the population of Georgia is against this propaganda. We are not against the existence of sexual minorities, they have always been and will be, but the promotion of their lifestyle should be somewhat limited. It should be prohibited in places of public gathering," MP Injia said.

(Original) Head of "European Socialists" Fridon Indzhiya about the "cost" of Georgia's membership in NATO and the limitation of LGBT propaganda


🔴 Прежде чем еще больше активизировать вопрос вступления Грузии в НАТО, правительству следует хорошо подумать, стоит ли за это платить ту же цену, какую сегодня платит Украина, то есть навсегда потерять Абхазию и Самачабло, и встать перед реальной угрозой физического уничтожения страны…

🔴 Если не сегодня, то завтра придется принять закон об ограничении ЛГБТ пропаганды. У нас готов законопроект, прошу коллег поддержать его…

🔸 Председатель парламентской политической группы “Европейские Социалисты” Фридон Инджия на пленарном заседании внеочередной сессии Парламента провел параллель между Грузией и Украиной на пути членства в Североатлантический Альянс.

По его словам, перед началом саммита НАТО в Вильнюсе, на который Украина возлагает большие надежды, президент США подчеркнул, что Украина не станет членом НАТО, до тех пор, пока идет война.

🔸”Интересно то, что сегодня на саммите в Вильнюсе встречаются лидеры, но Президент Соединенных Штатов Америки уже до начала саммита заявил, что пока Украина не победит Россию, о членстве в НАТО и речи нет, и это неприемлемо. Теперь проанализируем все это в отношении Грузии… Если бы мы открыли второй фронт, было бы то же самое… Пока Грузия вместе с Украиной или Грузия одна не победила бы Россию, мы бы не вступили в НАТО. Об этом уже четко сказано и все прояснилось”, – отметил депутат Инджия.

🔸 Глава «Европейских Социалистов» подчеркнул, что Украина сегодня платит огромную цену жизнями мирного населения, солдат, а также разрушенными городами и селами.

🔸 “Мы все видим, что принесла Украине риторика о НАТО и вооружение, поступающее со стороны США. Стоило ли это все ценой уничтожения такого количества людей и солдат с обеих сторон? У нас есть исконно грузинские исторические регионы, где временно не распространяется юрисдикция Грузии, и сегодня этот болезненный вопрос все еще не решен. Если бы не Бухарестский саммит и большая дружба с США, 20% территорий не были бы потеряны. Поэтому, прежде чем начинать и активизировать тему членства в НАТО, следует хорошенько подумать, стоит ли это того, чтобы Грузия окончательно потеряла свои исторические регионы, и разрушились целые города и села, как это происходит в Украине. 20% Украины разрушены и не находятся под их юрисдикцией. Представьте, если бы к нашим оккупированным 20% добавили и уничтожили столько же, то есть если бы 40% территории не находились под юрисдикцией Грузии, существовала бы Грузия вообще? Вы об этом думаете или нет? Разве это входит в интересы нашей страны?», — заявил депутат.

🔸Инджия также затронул тему сексуальных меньшинств в Грузии и отметил, что парламентская политическая группа «Европейские Социалисты» подготовила соответствующий законопроект, который касается запрета ЛГБТ пропаганды и демонстрации сексуальной принадлежности в общественных местах.

🔸 “В эти дни был ЛГБТ-прайд и сопровождающие его стычки и столкновения … Обращаюсь к коллегам – проект закона готов, и если не сегодня, то завтра мы должны будем принять соответствующий закон, хотя бы потому, что 98% населения Грузии против этой пропаганды. Прошу поддержать наш проект. Мы не против существования сексуальных меньшинств, они всегда были и будут, но пропаганда их образа жизни должна быть ограничена. Это должно быть запрещено в общественных местах”, – заявил Фридон Инджия.

a certain group is trying to get out of the army in ways unacceptable to a brave man - Fridon Injia

📍 a certain group is trying to get out of the army in ways unacceptable to a brave man – Fridon Injia

🔷 A certain group of the society tries to do everything in order not to serve in the army, and the reason for this is the absence of patriotic and national ideology in the country.

🔷 This was stated by the chairman of the political group “European Socialists” Fridon Injia at the meeting of the legal issues committee of the Parliament.

🔷 “A certain group of society is doing everything to avoid the army and not to serve, this is the result of the policies of the last 30 years. During these 30 years, the governments took different directions, but none of them had a clear national ideology. Everyone was attached only to the idea of freedom. And when the main motive is freedom and it is not supported by ideology, the country collapses. Only the cry of freedom brought us to the point where they say, I will do what I want, my body is mine and I will use it as I want… 30 years ago, could anyone have imagined that they would try to get out of the army in unacceptable ways for a brave Georgian man? – said Fridon Injia.

🔷 The deputy emphasized that the politics of Georgia is uniquely peaceful, and the problems related to the unity of the country should be solved in a peaceful way.

🔷 “Serving in the army is not only focused on military training. There is friendship, patriotism, independence, learning to handle weapons, youth and many other things that a country needs. That’s why if we don’t put the ideology of freedom and democracy together with the country’s interests, love of the country, customs, nothing will come of it. If you are a citizen of this country, you are obliged to serve the motherland, whether you are a man or a woman,” MP Injia said.