Monthly Archives: August 2023

"Without restoration of territorial integrity of the country, there will be no development of the country". -. Fridon Injia

📍”Without restoration of territorial integrity of the country, there will be no development of the country”.This was announced by the head of the parliamentary political group “European Socialists” Fridon Injia at a meeting with the British parliamentary delegation in the highest legislative body.

🔷 Great British parliamentary delegation is visiting Georgia under the leadership of Jonathan Janogli, who represents the inter-party friendship group on Georgian issues in the British Parliament.

🔷 At the meeting, Freedongia drew attention to the policy pursued by Great Britain in the last ten years, which was mainly based on the country and state interests.

🔷”It’s not the first time we’ve met and it’s very nice to meet you. You represent a country that had half the world at its disposal about 100 years ago. An interesting and important circumstance, which occupies the first place in the interests of the world. I remember 1988, the Falkland Islands, is not close, which is considered the territorial integrity of your country, while the year here, Argentina’s attempt failed and you were able to get back the said islands.

🔷 This was one of the characteristic principled examples, where Britain, as a state, took a state approach along with the total territorial integrity of the country. – Fridon Injia told me.

🔷 Detat also emphasized that the decision of Great Britain’s authority on the ranks of the European Union, which leaves its place, was also dictated by the interests of the country.

🔷 The leader of the political group believes that joining the European Union is important for the country to be better, otherwise, the membership of the European Union should be timely, but continue in the future, for the country.

🔷 “Today, Georgia aspires to become a member of the European Union, and we hope to achieve the level of development that your state has set as examples of how to develop. Whether we will succeed or not, this second proposal, but we will enter the European Union on time and not after ten years, what examples are there in relation to other countries that have been at the forefront for ten years. In 10-20 years, we may develop to the point where we will no longer want to join the EU, just as you will no longer want to join the EU.” – Fridon Injia addressed the delegation.

🔷 The chairman of the political group, first and foremost for Georgia is the restoration of territorial integrity in the country. Without which, the development and progress of the country cannot be complete and complete. To decide, the main state should find the right way to put effective reasons in the perspective of this solution.

🔷 “I am sitting in your time as the central party of the “European Socialists”. We are a leftist political force and we are dissatisfied as it is in our interests

.🔷 To judge pragmatically based on the interests of the country, I believe that without the restoration of territorial integrity, there will be no creation of the country. Today you, as a great power, support Ukraine. We also support Ukraine on all sides, but not as much as you. You declared a free war with Russia in principle. Because they are at war in Ukraine, you have weapons, your instructors work there, your volunteers are there. Sanctions full information. But the question is, what do we choose, do we also go to war with Russia?! … For example, we went to war in 2008, but we lost 22% of the country’s territory, and today, based on the interests of our country, we will have a war, just like you are at war with Russia?! Whatever you suggest, we can get advice from you. Shall we fight like you, if we take over Russia?!” – noted Fridon Inji at the meeting.

🔷 The members of the British parliamentary delegation listened to the statements and questions of the chairman of the political group, however, their other important answers were not heard at the meeting.

"Without restoring the country's territorial integrity, the country's development will not be complete" - Fridon Eng

📍"Without restoration of territorial integrity of the country, the development of the country will not be complete".

👉 This was announced by the chairman of the parliamentary political group "European Socialists" Fridon Injia at a meeting held with the Great Britain parliamentary delegation in the country's highest legislative body.

🔷 Great British parliamentary delegation is visiting Georgia under the leadership of Jonathan Janogli, who represents the inter-party friendship group on Georgian issues in the British Parliament.

🔷 At the meeting, Fridon Injia focused on the policy pursued by Great Britain in the last ten years, which was and is based on the national and state interests of the country.

🔷"It's not the first time we've met and it's very nice to meet you. You represent a country that, about 100 years ago, had half the world at its disposal. It is interesting and important that the country's interests are the first place for you. Here I am reminded of the year 1982, the Falkland Islands, which are located close to Argentina, when the question touched the territorial integrity of your country, then, practically, Argentina's attempt turned into Nazareth, and you were able to return the said islands back.

🔷 This was one of the rather principled examples where Britain, as a state, confirmed its state approach to the inviolability of the country's territorial integrity," Fridon Injia said.

🔷 The MP also emphasized the decision of the UK government to leave the EU, which, according to him, was also dictated by the interests of the country.

🔷 The chairman of the political group believes that Georgia's accession to the European Union is important in order to make the country more attractive, but it should happen on time, otherwise, the EU membership will lose its meaning for the country in the long run.

🔷 "Today, Georgia aspires to become a member of the European Union, and we hope that by doing so we will reach the level of development that your state has, for example. Whether we will succeed or not is another matter, but we want to join the European Union on time and not after ten years, as there are examples of other countries that have been waiting in line for ten years. In 10-20 years we may develop in such a way that we no longer want to join the European Union, just as you no longer want to join the European Union." - Fridon Injia addressed the members of the delegation.

🔷 According to the chairman of the political group, restoring the territorial integrity of the country remains the first and foremost task for Georgia. Without which, the development and progress of the country cannot be complete and full-fledged. Therefore, it is important for the country's government to find the right way and take effective steps to solve this problem.

🔷 "I am speaking before you as the chairman of the party "European Socialists". We are a left-wing political force and we are dissatisfied with the steps of the country's government, because the government does not do many things as it is in the country's interests.

🔷 To judge pragmatically based on the interests of the country, I believe that without the restoration of territorial integrity, the development of the country will not be complete. Today you, as a great power, support Ukraine. We also support Ukraine in all respects, but not as much as you. In principle, you have declared war on Russia. Because they are fighting in Ukraine partly with your weapons, your instructors are working there, your volunteers are there. You have fully used the sanctions. But the question is, what do they advise us to go to war with Russia?! ... Here, for example, we went to war in 2008, but we lost 22% of the country's territory, and today, depending on the interests of our country, we will have a war, just like you are at war with Russia?! Whatever you suggest, we want to get your advice. Should we fight like you, or should we talk to Russia?!" - said Fridon Injia at the meeting.

🔷 The members of the parliamentary delegation of Great Britain listened carefully to the statements and questions of the chairman of the political group, however, they did not give concrete answers at the meeting.

(Original) "Without restoration of territorial integrity, the development of Georgia will not be complete" - Fridon Indzhiya


👉 «Без восстановления территориальной целостности страны, развитие Грузии будет неполноценным».

 Об этом заявил глава «Европейских Социалистов» Фридон Инджия на встрече с парламентской делегацией Великобритании, состоявшейся в Высшем законодательном органе Грузии.

🔷Делегацию Великобритании возглавляет Джонатан Джаногли, представляющий межпартийную группу дружбы по вопросам Грузии в британском Парламенте.

🔷”Мы встречаемся не первый раз, и очень приятно вновь с вами встретиться. Вы представляете страну, которой около 100 лет назад подчинялась половина мира. Очень важно, что интересы страны для вас стоят на первом месте. Мне вспоминается 1982 год, Фолклендские острова, которые расположены недалеко от Аргентины, и когда вопрос коснулся территориальной целостности вашей страны, тогда, практически, попытка Аргентины превратилась в пух и прах, и вы смогли вернуть назад острова.

🔷Это один из достаточно принципиальных примеров, когда Великобритания проявила и подтвердила свой государственный подход к нерушимости территориальной целостности страны», – отметил на встрече Фридон Инджия.

🔷Вместе с тем, депутат привел еще один пример политического шага правительства Великобритании, принявшего решение о выходе из ЕС, что, по его словам, также было продиктовано интересами государства.

🔷Председатель политической группы подчеркнул, что вступление Грузии в Евросоюз важно для того, чтобы страна стала более привлекательной, но это должно произойти вовремя, иначе в долгосрочной перспективе членство в ЕС потеряет для страны смысл.

🔷 «Сегодня Грузия стремится стать членом Европейского Союза, и мы надеемся тем самым достичь того уровня развития, который имеет, к примеру, ваше государство. Удастся нам это или нет – другой вопрос, но мы хотим вступить в Евросоюз вовремя, а не спустя десятки лет, как некоторые страны, которые по сей день стоят в очереди и уже не первый десяток лет ожидают вступления в ЕС. Через 10-20 лет возможно Грузия будет развиваться такими темпами, что уже не захотим вступать в ЕС, точно так же, как и вы больше не хотели находиться в Европейском Союзе», – отметил Инджия.

При этом он подчеркнул, что восстановление территориальной целостности страны остается первоочередной задачей для Грузии.

🔷 «Я выступаю перед вами как председатель партии «Европейские Социалисты». Мы левая политическая сила и недовольны решениями власти страны, потому что многие шаги правительства не соответствуют интересам государства.

🔷Если судить прагматично, исходя из интересов Грузии, я считаю, что без восстановления территориальной целостности развитие страны не будет полноценным. Сегодня вы, как великая держава, поддерживаете Украину. Мы тоже поддерживаем Украину во всех отношениях, но не так, как вы. В принципе, вы объявили войну России. Потому что Украина воюет частично вашим оружием, там работают ваши инструкторы, на территории Украины находятся ваши волонтеры. Вы полностью использовали санкции. Но вопрос в том, что требуют от Грузии – нам тоже воевать с Россией?! … Например, мы воевали с Россией в 2008 году, но потеряли 22% территории страны… Разве сегодня у нас получится воевать с Россией в такой же форме как вы воюете с ней?! Что бы вы предложили, мы хотим получить совет. Должны ли мы воевать, как вы, или нам следует поговорить с Россией?!” – заявил на встрече Фридон Инджия.

🔷 Члены парламентской делегации Великобритании внимательно выслушали заявления и вопросы председателя политической группы, однако конкретных ответов на встрече не было.

The authorities of the USA, Ukraine, Moldova, as well as some MEPs and part of the Georgian opposition are conducting coordinated actions with the goal of freeing Saakashvili - Fridon Indzhiya


📍The head of the parliamentary political group "European Socialists" Fridon Indzhiya expressed the hope that Saakashvili and his accomplices will finally bear the appropriate punishment for the betrayal they committed in 2008, which ended in the occupation of regions historically belonging to Georgia, the death of 500 people and the expulsion of 30 thousand people from their homes.

📍 Deputy Fridon Indzhiya announced this at the press conference held in the Parliament.

🔷 "The public clearly sees the scale of the coordination for the release of the criminal Mikhail Saakashvili, who committed many crimes against his country and people. The authorities of the USA, Ukraine and Moldova are involved in this process, as well as the European Parliament with several hundred deputies, part of the Georgian opposition and non-governmental organizations, and some other entities that are ultimately controlled by the same hand.

🔷 I wonder why they protect Saakashvili and why they try to free him. It is clear that Saakashvili is an agent who led the American revolution in Georgia in 2003, brought the American agency to power and clearly fulfilled all the tasks of Americans: he established an authoritarian regime, filled prisons with prisoners, interrogated prisoners, kept business under constant racketeering and fear, seized television, передал страницие объектив, Давид-Гареджи и т.д.

However, the main reason why they protect Saakashvili and try to free him is to fulfill their main task. The most valuable for Americans was the provoking of the Russian-Georgian war in 2008, which dealt the first serious blow to the economy and international image of Russia and created a serious barrier between Russia and Europe.

🔷 True, Saakashvili fulfilled the task of the Americans incompetently and with serious mistakes, but the Americans still fulfilled the minimum program, for which, of course, they thank Saakashvili properly. At the same time, they close their eyes to the billions that Saakashvili appropriated through the August war. As a result, the war of 2008 was not called unprovoked, and moreover, Saakashvili, signing the resolution of the Council of Europe, was forced to admit that he himself started the war and publicly, on television, with great pride, announced his "glorious" crime in front of the people of Georgia. However, in spite of all this, Saakashvili was then declared a hero of the whole world, just as Zelensky was declared a hero today. It should also be noted that if the "special operation with sour cream" (prim: Mikhail Saakashvili illegally crossed the border of Georgia in a container with sour cream) was successfully implemented, then today the Americans would have two heroes who would oppose Russia from two fronts.

🔷 We repeatedly voiced the question about the need to investigate the war of 2008. However, we think that the wide-scale coordination that is being carried out today for the release of Saakashvili will clarify everything. Saakashvili's patrons are grateful to him for the war of 2008 and cover him precisely for this main merit. We see that, fearing the Americans, "Georgian dream" still does not fully protect the interests of the state and still refrains from creating a temporary investigative commission. After all, taking into account the events surrounding Saakashvili, there is nothing to investigate - everything is as clear as day.

🔷 We hope that Saakashvili and his accomplices will finally bear the punishment for the betrayal they committed in 2008, which ended with the occupation of our historical regions, the death of up to 500 people and the exile of 30 thousand people.

🔷 This was a betrayal of such a scale that no one against Georgia has carried out with its consequences in the last few centuries," said MP Indzhiya.

🔷 After the press conference, the chairman of the political group answered the journalists' questions and once again emphasized the importance of creating a temporary investigative commission on the events of 2008.

🔷 "To answer all existing questions and put an end to this topic, it is necessary to create a temporary investigative commission." People are wondering what actually happened in 2008. С чем мы имели дело? Everything should be clarified so that something like this does not happen again under the current government," the deputy said.

🔷 Fridon Indzhiya is confident that if Saakashvili is released, the whole nation will be outraged, including the 300,000 prisoners who served their sentences during Saakashvili's rule.

"There is enough active coordination with the goal of releasing Saakashvili, but I'm sure that if this happens, it will cause the greatest outrage of the country's population, and all of Georgia will oppose it. Don't doubt it."

🔷 "The interests of certain circles really include the beginning of civil conflict and confrontation in Georgia. But our political power is categorically against such development of events, as it will lead to the destruction of the country. You can imagine what would happen to Georgia if they opened a second front here. This is what made me once again apply for the creation of a temporary investigative commission in connection with 2008," the deputy emphasized.

🔷 At the same time, Fridon Indzhiya noted that "European Socialists" do not question the decision of the Hague Court.

🔷 "For example, the temporary commission should answer why they surrendered the Kodor Gorge, which is under the jurisdiction of Georgia. Кроме того, почему садил технику? How small, one-story houses were built, located on the road to Western Georgia, where new refugees were accommodated. How they were built, what funds were allocated, and who built it. Did you know that this construction cost a total of 200 million dollars, and the rest is 3.5 billion. Вот в чем дело...» - noted Indzhiya.

🔷 On the journalist's question about how he evaluates the protest actions against the Russian tourists who arrived in Batumi by sea cruise liner, Fridon Indzhiya stated that it is impossible for 150 financed participants of the action to speak on behalf of the entire population of Georgia.

🔷 "I am embarrassed that the non-governmental organizations and their leaders could not gather more than 150 people in Batumi, especially since the action supposedly expressed the position of the entire people.

Go to different areas, find a neutral person and ask if they want tourists to come to Georgia. It doesn't matter where they are - from Russia or Europe. We must accept everyone. Did you see how much profit Georgia gets?

🔷 Starting a war in Georgia in the interests of traitors, whose desire is to destroy the country, and I am fighting against these traitors", said Fridon Indzhiya.

Fridon Injia's press conference

📍 We hope that Saakashvili and his accomplices will finally be punished for the betrayal they committed in 2008, which ended with the occupation of our historical region, the death of up to 500 people, and the displacement of 30,000 people.

📍 It was such a betrayal, the like of which no one has done to Georgia in the last few centuries with its consequences.

📍 This was announced by the chairman of the parliamentary political group "European Socialists" Fridon Injia at the press conference held today in the parliament.

🔷 "Society can clearly see what scale of coordination is needed to release the criminal Mikheil Saakashvili from prison, who has committed many crimes against his country and people. In this coordination, the American authorities, the European Parliament with several hundred deputies, the authorities of Ukraine and Moldova, the opposition, non-governmental organizations and many other subjects are involved, which are ultimately managed by one hand.

🔷 It is interesting why they protect Saakashvili and why they try to release him. It is clear that Saakashvili is an agent who led the American revolution in Georgia in 2003, brought the American agency to power and clearly fulfilled all the tasks of the Americans: he established an authoritarian regime, filled prisons, tortured prisoners, had a business under constant racketeering and fear, hijacked TV stations, alienated strategic objects, David Gareji, etc
However, the main reason why they protect Saakashvili and try to release him is the main task he performed. The most valuable thing for Americans was provoking the 2008 Russia-Georgia war, which dealt the first serious blow to Russia's economy and international image and created a serious barrier between Russia and Europe.

🔷 It is true that Saakashvili performed this task of the Americans incompetently and with serious flaws, but the Americans at least achieved the minimum of the program, which they naturally appreciate Saakashvili properly. At this time, they turned a blind eye to the billions that Saakashvili appropriated through this war. In the end, the war of 2008 could not be called unprovoked, and moreover, Saakashvili, by signing the resolution of the Council of Europe, had to admit that he started the war himself and publicly, on television, with great pride, confessed his "proud" crime to the people of Georgia. However, in spite of all this, Saakashvili was then declared a world hero in exactly the same way as Zelensky is declared today. It should also be said that if the "special operation of Arajni" had been successfully implemented, today the Americans would have two world heroes at the same time, who would confront Russia on two fronts.

🔷 We have repeatedly voiced the request about the investigation of the 2008 war. However, we think that the large-scale coordination that is being carried out to release Saakashvili will shed light on everything. Saakashvili's own patrons thank him for the 2008 war and protect him precisely because of this main merit. We see that, fearing the Americans, "Georgian Dream" is still not able to fully protect the interests of the state and refrains from creating an investigative commission. until However, considering the developments around Saakashvili, there is nothing to investigate about the war, because everything is as clear as it is today.

🔷 We hope that Saakashvili and his accomplices will finally be punished for the betrayal they committed in 2008, which ended with the occupation of our historical region, the death of up to 500 people, and the displacement of 30,000 people.

🔷 and finally,

🔷 It was such a betrayal, the like of which no one has done to Georgia in the last few centuries with its consequences" - said Fridon Injia.

🔷 The chairman of the political group answered the journalists' questions after the press conference.

🔷 According to Fridon Injia, the purpose of today's press conference is to once again remind "Georgian Dream" how important and necessary it is to create a temporary investigative commission regarding 2008.

🔷 "In order to answer all the questions and put an end to this topic, it is necessary to create a temporary investigative commission regarding the year 2008, which we have been talking about for months. People are wondering what really happened in 2008. What were we dealing with? Everything should be clarified so that similar things do not happen again under the current government." - said the MP.

🔷 When asked by the journalist, whether Fridon Injia had meetings outside the media with the representatives of the ruling team on this matter, the deputy noted that he did not have such a meeting and it is through the press conference that he once again made a statement about the need to create a temporary investigative commission.

🔷 Fridon Injia is sure that if Saakashvili is released, the whole country will stand up and this fact will cause great concern to the population, including the 300,000 prisoners.
"There is quite a lot of coordination going on

to release Saakashvili, but I am sure that if such a thing happens, it will cause the greatest indignation of the country's population and the whole of Georgia will stand up. Don't doubt it." - noted the deputy.

🔷 "It is in the interests of certain circles to start a civil war in Georgia, to have a confrontation. Our team categorically dissociates itself from such a thing, because we believe that it will lead to the destruction of the country.

🔷 You can imagine what kind of day we would be in if the second front was opened here. You have looked at the situation of the cities of Ukraine today, there are not even Natamali among those cities anymore. do we want it Georgia is a very small country. We really do not want chaos, destabilization and confrontation in the country. That is what forced me to once again make a statement regarding the creation of a temporary investigative commission in connection with the year 2008", said the deputy.

🔷 Fridon Injia unequivocally stated at the press conference that the political team of "European Socialists" has no doubts regarding the decision of the Hague Court and the creation of a temporary investigative commission does not serve this purpose.

🔷 "Our request is to determine why, for example, the transfer of the Kodori Gorge took place when the Kodori Gorge was included in the jurisdiction of Georgia. Also, why did the hardware transfer happen? There are many questions arising from these issues. How the small one-storied names were built, located on the road to the west. How it was built, what funds were allocated and who built it. Do you know that this construction costs a total of 200 million... where are the remaining 3 million 800 thousand... that's the point." - added the MP.

🔷 When asked by the journalist how the chairman of the political group evaluates the events developed in Batumi, Fridon Injia said that it is not allowed to have 150 hired people speaking on behalf of the population of Georgia.
"On the actions planned in Batumi, it is really embarrassing that the speech of 150 people was called the position of the population of Georgia, and they spoke on behalf of the population of Georgia.

🔷 I am embarrassed that non-governmental organizations and their leaders could not gather more than 150 people in Batumi, especially when all this is done in the name of the Georgian nation.
Go to the districts, look for a neutral person and ask if they want tourists to come to Georgia. It doesn't matter where they will be from Russia or Europe. We have to accept them all. Did you see what profit Georgia got? ... That is, you don't want to fix this, or that Georgia makes a profit and gets stronger economically.

🔷 Starting a war in Georgia is in the interests of the country's traitors, whose desire is to destroy the country, and I am fighting against these traitors." Fridon Injia added.