In Georgia, everyone has to go through military service – both men and women – Fridon Injia

📍 In Georgia, everyone has to go through military service - both men and women - Fridon Injia
🔶 "For Georgia, the military is a national matter and it should be organized at a very high level. Military service should be done by everyone - both men and women, as it is in Israel."
This was announced by the chairman of the political group "European Socialists" Fridon Injia at the extraordinary session of the parliament, where the deputies will see the "defense code" draft in the second reading.
🔶 "In relation to women, there should be an individual approach, in case someone can't, but the general policy should be such that everyone goes through military service. "Georgia is a small country... the army is not only for war, love of the motherland, various specialties, interdependence and many other aspects are taught there," MP Fridon Injia said.
🔶 He urged some fellow MPs not to insult the young people who served or are currently serving in the army.
"Here the word "slaves" was heard from my colleagues.
This is unacceptable for me. According to your statements, it seems that we will see a slave code here, and the Deputy Minister of Defense and the Speaker of the Parliament look at it calmly. I don't think that's right. This is an insult to the youth who have served and who are serving. Can we restrain ourselves and if we want to say something, say it in a different way", said Fridon Injia.
🔶 According to the "Defence Code" project, instead of mandatory military service, there will be "national military service of conscripts". Along with the name, the terms of military service also changed. In particular, instead of one-year service, the project takes into account differentiated terms: service in a combat unit – 6 months; in the protection or security unit - 8 months; For junior commanding positions and predetermined specialties – 11 months.

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