Isn't it time for the state structure to take care of the issue of returning Georgians from all over the world to their homeland and restoring their citizenship - Fridon Injia

🔹 At the first session of the autumn session of the Parliament, the chairman of the political group "European Socialists" Fridon Injia raised the issue of setting up a special state structure in order to promote the restoration of Georgian citizenship and the return of Georgians to their homeland.

🔹As the deputy said at the session, more and more people leave Georgia every month and every year, and for stateless persons, the statistics of the return of Georgian citizenship are treacherous.

🔹 "There are people who either left their citizenship, lost it, or for some other reason no longer have Georgian citizenship. They apply to the House of Justice and a special commission will consider it, however, recently, almost no positive decision has been made to return the citizenship to the former citizen of Georgia. I think this is a betrayal of the country, and the enemy can be the one who does not give the Georgian citizen the opportunity to regain his citizenship", said Fridon Injia.

🔹 He cited the experience of the State of Israel as an example and noted that only one state institution under the leadership of one person returned millions of Jews to Israel.

🔹"In Israel, one by one, the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great great-great-grandmother of Israel is searched for. If there is a Jew, he will definitely become an Israeli citizen, and the state structure approaches this issue differently. A special person was intended for this work - Jacob Kazakov, now he has a different surname - Jacob Kedmi, who demanded from the state that as many people of Jewish ethnicity as possible should return to their country. "He returned millions of people to Israel with his work," said the deputy.

🔹 "Given our current situation, when we see how Georgia is emptying every month, every year, wouldn't it be appropriate to set aside a state structure that will start working in the world in the direction that Georgians return to their country". said Fridon Injia.

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