Fridon Injia: How long should we live by memoranda? Where is the line between sovereignty of the country and fulfillment of the terms of the memorandum?

The speech of the chairman of the parliamentary political group "European Socialists" Fridon Injia with the President of the European Council Charles Michel at the meeting held with the opposition in Batumi.
I would especially like to welcome Mr. Charles Michel and thank him very much for being so actively involved in solving the problems of our country. It is thanks to him that a few months ago the artificially inspired political crisis in Georgia ended and opposition parties entered the parliament. The document "Future Road for Georgia" was signed, although the memorandum turned out to be one-sided in the end, nevertheless it undoubtedly played its positive role.
Today you are a very popular person in Georgia. There is almost no news release without your name. Even in the parliament we have a faction of the document named after you. Political leaders always appeal to Charles Michel's document and use this document in all statements and actions.
According to many, this may not be the best document, but it helped to ease the crisis situation.
But it is necessary to mention one thing:
Sakarvelo has always been distinguished by its independence, striving for freedom and independence. We have great respect for European values, European political culture and strive to establish those European traditions, the goal of which is, first of all, the happiness of the individual and the building of a harmonious society. We maintain our desire to be members of the Western Commonwealth, but at the same time to be independent, to act in accordance with our constitution, so that the signed memorandum does not become a weapon and a means of paralyzing our parliament, leveling the constitution, suspending the functioning of the court, the branches of government - the president, judges, the Council of Justice, etc. A pressure mechanism or more – let's live by the memo.

If the ruling party signed this memorandum, it does not mean that only it, unilaterally, should implement it?! At this time, the so-called Destructive opposition sometimes comes in, sometimes boycotts the parliament, incessantly violates political ethics and paralyzes the sessions of the parliament. This infuriates the largest part of our population and discredits Western values.

How long do we have to live with memos? Where is the line between a country's sovereignty and compliance with the terms of the memorandum? I think that if we continue like this, this limit will be erased, like the ripples created by throwing a pebble on the surface of water.

We should not forget that we live in the Caucasus region and at the same time we are building a free democratic state with European values and national identity. With this, we want to become attractive in the region. One of the main goals is to regain the role of the leading state in the region, as it has been since time immemorial. It is impossible for us to realize this if we cannot maintain the balance, which, on the one hand, involves the construction of European political institutions, the establishment of European political culture, and, on the other hand, the preservation of our sovereignty and independence.

I consider it completely unacceptable the pressure of the European ambassadors, the majority of the parliament, the executive power to interfere in the work of the judiciary and thus protect the main law of the country - the constitution, based on the unilaterally signed memorandum of Dream. If you want the truth, the memorandum should be signed by all the opposition parties first, only then by the ruling party, although this is the matter of the ruling party. But in any case, this document would not be superior to the Constitution and a guiding document for state institutions.
The ruling party makes mistakes after mistakes, with its inconsistency, as a result of which the political situation that reigns in Georgia today has been created.

At the same time, I express my sorrow for the natural disaster caused by the floods in Europe and in your homeland - Belgium.
I want to be with you and stand by your side, despite my age, if I can't do that, I'll stick by your side.

thank you very much.
Fridon Injia

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